

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Protestant Key Doctrines Made Simple

Topic: What does it mean to be a Protestant-
Key Doctrines of the Reformation

Protestant Key Doctrines Made Simple
Dr Wilfred John Sundaraj
29 Oct 2017

Romans 3:24, 1:17 & Galations 3:11

Roms 3:22-24
 We can only be saved by Faith through Grace as a gift through the redemption in christ.
Roms 1:17 ,Gal 3:11. The righteous shall live by faith

1)Sola Scriptural
The Bible alone ,Scripture alone speaks authoritatively, and it speaks to all believers,independently of church leaders and councils,human interpreters and so-called spokesmen for God.

Biblical vs Earthly Authority 
We are to be governed by the bible as our ultimate authority.
Earthly authorities like laws of nature,experience,intellect,emotion,culture are only like scaffoldings to help us understand the bible better.

2) Sola Gratia
“Grace alone.” It is only by the unmerited favor of God that Christ went to the cross and paid the price for man’s salvation.Human Beings are by nature depraved by darkness,blindness,deaf,and heart of stone. He can never understand the gospel truth and need to be set free.
Therefore God’s grace is truly undeserved and amazing and God’s grace alone has the power to draw people to himself and open up our eyes,ears,and heart .
Only God can save us from the power of sin,death and attacks of the devil and set us free.

3)Sola Fide -Faith alone
Only total righteousness is acceptable to God,and that is found in christ,not in us.People can only accept Christ’s work by placing trust in him.

Faith is the confidence God puts in us to trust in christ and His promises in the Word of God.

Faith is knowledge based- refers to the content of faith, or those things we believe.
Faith also refers to personal trust.relationship and reliance to God through christ.
So knowing and believing the content of the christian faith is not enough,for even the demons can do that.
Faith is only effectual if, knowing about and assenting to the claims of Jesus,one personally trusts in im alone for salvation.Faith that saves and works are justified by faith in christ to do good works.

4)Sola Christus- Christ alone
Salvation is accomplished by christ alone,and mediated by christ alone - not by angels,saints,sacraments,priests,teachers,churches,or anyone or anything else.Christ alone was the perfect Savior,and he alone is the perfect prophet,priest,and king.
The Gospel is inclusive claim for all but exclusive claim in christ alone is salvation found.

5) Soli Deo Gloria (To God be the Glory)
God must be the center of our worship,praise,thanksgiving,works,home,and play.Worship is a  way of life and not just  a  church activity or performance.

Biblical theology
A)Law and the Gospel
The old laws in the old testament condemn us because we can never fulfill all the laws and achieve salvation by our own effort but Jesus came to fulfill the law by saving us from the condemnation of sins out of his mercy and Grace.So we are to thank God,praise God and worship Him for all Jesus has done for us.
So the old testament becomes our guide to do good works as a way of devotion and thanksgiving.

B) Sacraments - Baptism and Eucharist ( holy communion)
Both sacraments are holy practices and commands and promises from God.

Baptism is to to testify publicly ones repentance and acceptance of the salvation from christ jesus.
Eucharist or holy communion are to be practised to remember what christ has done for us at the cross for the forgiveness of our sins saved by grace not by works.

Reformation also restore the importance of family as the important part of the church.
Families is the small church at home and parents must not neglect the spiritual educations at home.

Reformation is an on going process whereby life are being transformed continuously for God’s glory and traditions needs to be refined to rid of any unhealthy practices that are not pleasing to God.
The church must preserved the spirit of unity amongst all believers in christ irrespective of denominations in the course of reformations.


1) Which of the key Doctrines of Reformation mentioned appeal to you more? Why?

2) What is one key lesson you have learnt from this sermon and how has that impacted your life?

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Inner life of a Disciple

Inner Life of a Disciple 
Sister Evon Foo

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Trusting the Lord

Trusting the Lord
Proverbs 3:5-8
Rev Johnny Wong
22 October 2017

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

1) The consequences of disobedience- King Saul

King Saul 1 samuel 13:8-14 and 15:15-1

As recorded in text king Saul started well with glamour and victories in his rule as king over Israel even in turbulent times.However he acted foolishly for not keeping the commands of the Lord for not offering sacrifices to the Lord accordingly and did not sought the favor of the Lord as recorded in 1 samuel 13:8-14.

King Saul also even lied in 1 samuel 15:15-19 for not obeying the Lord's commandment to destroy everything that belongs to the Amalekites .Instead he spared the best sheeps and cattles as sacrifices to the Lord and made a monument for himself. Thus the Lord removed him as king for his disobedience.

In both events he lean on his own understanding instead of trusting and obeying the Lord.

It is not how well one starts that matters but how one finish that matters more!
Rev.Johnny also shared his own testimony on relying on his own wisdom instead of seeking the Lord in helping out his own brother from financial difficulties causing him to fall into deep financial debts which subsequently led him into family crisis.Rev johnny learned a serious lesson from Proverbs 22:26-27 .
He cried out out to God in desperation by singing the song I will Sing by Don Moen.  And  out of God’s mercy he was gradually  relieved  of his financial needs through the help of brothers and sisters in christ. Indeed God has provided him a way where there seems to be no way.

2) The blessings of obedience- King David

King David 1 Samuel 24:3-7; 26:8-12. 
Saul was jealous and sought to kill David when he realised that  David was more successful in conquest and was anointed to be the next king.
 David had on two occasions given opportunities to kill Saul as recorded in 1 samuel 24:3-7 26:8-12 but he refused to do so because he knew that Saul was God’s anointed one .Instead he chose to leave this matter to God rather than take this matter into his own hands.David was conscious stricken when he cut off the corner of the Saul’s robe , despite the fact that he had been anointed as the next king.

Rev Johnny also shared his own testimony on how he struggled after he resigned as pastor of his previous church and how God led him to serve in Bccm .
He experience the provision in times of anxieties as promised in 1 peter 5:7
Recently over the 21 days of fast and corporate prayers organized by Bccm EGC he also experienced prayer revival.

Indeed obedience brings blessings from God and vice versa.

1. Reflect on an instance in your life when you failed to wait and trust in God’s timing/ways.

2. What are the root issues that cause us to be unable to trust in God wholeheartedly?
(Examples: unforgiveness, fear of rejection, a bitter judgement against certain people etc) share as openly as possible.

3) Drawing from David’s examples, what is required of you to fully trust in God daily ,in every dimension of life? Name one thing you want to work on to  overcome this week.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Nuggets of wisdom from the small and insignificant Rev Chong Fui Yung

Topic: Nuggets of Wisdom from the Small and Insignificant
Text: Proverbs 30:24-28
Rev Chong Fui Yung
15 October 2017

Proverbs 30:24-28
24 "Four things on earth are small, yet they are extremely wise:
25 Ants are creatures of little strength, yet they store up their food in the summer;
26 conies are creatures of little power, yet they make their home in the crags;
27 locusts have no king, yet they advance together in ranks;
28 a lizard can be caught with the hand, yet it is found in kings' palaces.

We can learn spiritual lessons from four small creatures which are insignificant but unusually wise. Nonetheless, God has seen it fit to mention them. In contrast, the horse, lion and eagle are larger and more powerful. Verses 29 to 31 say that a lion, a strutting cock, a he-goat and a king with his army around him, move with stately bearing.

1.         THE ANTS – A Good Concept of Time
Verse 25 – “Ants are creatures of little strength, yet they store up their food in the summer.” Myrmecology is the scientific study of ants. There is some wisdom that can be gained from ants. We may think there is not much to an ant. Ants are not strong but there is something about them that we can learn from. They are wise and well prepared for adverse situations. Proverbs 6:6-8 - Learn from the ants. They prepare for tomorrow. They don’t lie around and wait for handouts. They are aware of the times and the need and act on it. Ecclesiastes 3 – “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.” The ants know this concept. When winter comes and is freezing cold, when food is scarce and hard to get, they don’t need to go out and worry about food. They have a great concept of the future and wisely know how to prepare for it. The most important preparation for us for the future is to be ready for Jesus’ return. Have you made peace with God? Is your future and eternity secure? Are you ready at any minute to meet with your Creator? Ants are wise and store up food in the summer. Are you storing up treasures for yourself in heaven?
Do we have this right perspective of time like the ants?
Ø  NOW is the time to respond to the Lord.

2.         THE CONIES (ROCK BADGERS) – A Great Concept of Security
Verse 26 – “Conies are creatures of little power, yet they make their home in the crags.” They live in the small cracks and shallow crevices of the rocks. Their home is on the solid rocks. Their main defensive move is to hide in the cracks and crevices of the rocks where their predators are not able to reach them. Similarly, Christ is our Rock and Redeemer. We sing, “Rock of ages, Cleft for me. Let me hide myself in Thee.” Psalm 18:2 – God is our Rock. We stand firm and secure in Him. That’s what the rock badgers are reminding us of – Trust and hope in God. He is our Refuge, Protector and Strength.
How does the badgers’ choice of living environment give them security and protection?
From where or from whom do we receive protection and security in life?

3.         THE LOCUSTS – A Great Concept of Strength
Verse 27 – “Locusts have no king, yet they advance together in ranks.” Locusts are rarely mentioned in the singular. They know the strength of numbers. They move together in swarms. The direction they pursue seems to be almost instinctive. They have no king and are leaderless. They do not need directive, but each doing their part together as they move forward. Our primary loyalty is to God and His kingdom. Our priority is to win people to God’s kingdom. Like the locusts, we need to do it in unity. We are knit together, united in love and closely linked. We have that strong bond together. We have the same God, same spirit.
How can we move forward like the locusts together in ranks?
In terms of goal and purpose; in terms of each doing their part according to gifts and abilities for the advancement of God’s kingdom, and for the building up of one another for the extension of God’s church. There is strength in unity. That’s what the locusts are teaching us today.

4.         THE LIZARD – A Great Sense of Place
Verse 28 – “A lizard can be caught with the hand, yet it is found in kings’ palaces.” There is no place exempt from the lizard. It is a difficult visitor to keep out. They seem to have the sense of belonging wherever it goes. However, once it is caught, its life is over. Yet they can slip past vigilant palace guards and be found even in kings’ palaces. What wisdom shall we take from the lizard? As God’s people, we need to live in God’s kingdom and remain faithful till we meet our Lord. We have a place through the One who is the Creator. We need to live as God’s people and see our self-worth in God’s creation.
Life is transitory but we have our place in God through Jesus Christ. We have a place in the King’s Palace. I have prepared a room
1 Peter 2:9 – “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God.
John 14:2, 3 – “In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.
How does this give us an assurance in view of the transitoriness of one’s life?
We can and will dwell in palaces in the presence of Almighty God.

The common factor is that these are four small things, but extremely wise in their own ways. We would be wise to learn from them. At times, we may feel small and insignificant. Nonetheless, God values you. He has a purpose towards which you can contribute and play a significant role, just like these four small things.
In Christ we have
1.    A present and future
2.    Our security
3.    Our strength
4.    A place and position
Let’s take another good look at ourselves, recognize all that God provides for us and recognize the ways God can use each one of us. Let the wisdom of these four small things, seemingly so insignificant, bless and enrich our lives. May we know our worth and value before God. Let’s be a blessing to others.


How can these nuggets of wisdom be applied to our walking wisely in life?