

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Bright Red New Year

​Bright Red New Year ! 

New Year is the very reason for the red celebration! New start-over! New beginnings! New plans! 

Red signifies bright and fresh start! Charging forward with full enthusiasm! 

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Building Deep for a stronger tomorrow

Ephesians 4:11-16

In order to build up, you need to build deep. 

In order to build deep, hear the invitation to be in darkness. 

What is in the deep?


Ocean Deep Secrets 


Lord, open my eyes to see things I cannot normally see so I can claim things that would otherwise be unclaimed. 

2 Sam 22:12

Exodus 20:21

Psalm 18:11

Wounded Intercessor Vs Wounded Healer

Scripture Memory 

- hide the Bible verses in your heart 

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Holy Forever

Verse 1

A thousand generations
Falling down in worship
To sing the song of
Ages to the Lamb
And all who've gone before us
And all who will believe
Will sing the song of
Ages to the Lamb

Pre Chorus 1

Your name is the highest
Your name is the greatest
Your name stands above them all

Pre Chorus 2

All thrones and dominions
All powers and positions
Your name stands above them all

Chorus 1

And the angels cry Holy
All creation cries Holy
You are lifted high Holy
Holy forever

Verse 2

If you've been forgiven
And if you've been redeemed
Sing the song
Forever to the Lamb
If you walk in freedom
And if you bear His name
Sing the song
Forever to the Lamb


We'll sing the song
Forever and amen

Chorus 1

And the angels cry Holy
All creation cries Holy
You are lifted high Holy
Holy forever

Chorus 2

Hear your people sing Holy
To the King of Kings Holy
You will always be Holy
Holy forever

Pre Chorus 1

Your name is the highest
Your name is the greatest
Your name stands above them all

Pre Chorus 2

All thrones and dominions
All powers and positions
Your name stands above them all

Pre Chorus 1

Your name is the highest
Your name is the greatest
Your name stands above them all

Pre Chorus 2

All thrones and dominions
All powers and positions
Your name stands above them all

Chorus 1

And the angels cry Holy
All creation cries Holy
You are lifted high Holy
Holy forever

Chorus 2

Hear your people sing Holy
To the King of Kings Holy
You will always be Holy
Holy forever