

Sunday, June 26, 2016

More than Conquerors

Sermon on 26 June 2016 by Preacher Janice Chun

Joshua 12:1-24

1) The courage of faith and the promises of God
V1 & 24 Isrealites had defended 31 kings altogether.
God has promised the land to Isrealities long ago but a generation has passed due to their lack of faith and disobedience.
Courage is taking actions as instructed by God.
Faith is not merely belief, has to translate into actions. It is a verb. 
Promises of God requires us to take up courageous actions.
Courage gives perseverance.

2) The seriousness of sin and the judgement of God
God used Isrealities to defend the Kings. It was sin that defeated them. They were Military-wise superior compared to Isrealities.
The Bible tells us to be holy / perfect as He is holy / perfect.
It does not tell us to be sinless.
Only when we take God seriously then only we will take sin seriously. When God's characters is made clear to us and we are able to measure our actions not in relative terms with respect to other humans but in absolute terms with respect with God... then we begin to be awkened. - RC Sproul

3) The heart of worship and the victory of God
Personal encounter with the glory of God.
The Lord told Pharoah, let my people so that they could worship me.

Psalm 60:12
With God we shall gain the victory, and he will trample down our enemies. 
1 Corinthians 15:57
But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Do we carry God with any weight in our thought life ? The weight of secular living often switch God to weightlessness.

If you want victory, you are going to have to first surrender.
Your surrender defines Your victory.

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