

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Jesus called His first Disciples 耶稣召第一批门徒

26 Jan 2020

Topic: Jesus called His first Disciples 耶稣召第一批门徒
Text : Mt太 4:12-25, Lk路 5:1-11)
Rev Jacob Ng 
Perth Anglican Church 

A. “Prerequisites fully met” 完全满足先决条件
For Jesus to have arrived at this point in his life, 耶稣到达祂生命的这一刻
1) He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary (Mt 太1:20-21, 
 Lk 路1:34-35), 祂是圣灵受孕,圣女玛利亚所生

2) He knew the Scripture well since childhood (Lk 路2:46-47), 祂自幼就认识圣经

3) He was baptised by John the Baptist (Mt太 3:15,13-17 & Lk路 3:21-22), 施洗约翰为祂洗礼

4) He resisted Satan's temptations in the wilderness (Mt 4:1,10-11),祂在旷野抵挡魔鬼的试探

5) He fulfilled Isaiah's prophesy (61:1-2): “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news …." (Lk 路4:18-19), and 祂应验了以赛亚的预言:(赛61:1-2)“主耶和华的灵在我身上,因祂用膏膏我,叫我传好消息给谦卑 

6) He started preaching the good news: “Repent, …. .” (Mt 4:17) 祂开始传讲福音: “悔

B. It was time for Jesus to call his first disciples 是时候耶稣召祂第一批门徒

1) After John the Baptist was arrested and imprisoned. (Mt 太4:12) 施洗约翰下了监 

2) Jesus came purposefully to call Peter, Andrew, James and John. (Mt 4:18-22, 
 Lk 5:1-11) 耶稣有意呼召彼得、安德烈、雅各及约翰

3) Jesus made the call: “Come, follow me” (Mt 4:19a).耶稣对他们说:“来,跟从我”

4) Jesus declared his commitment and promise: “I will make you fishers of men.” 
 (Mt太 4:19b), “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will catch men.” (Lk路 5:10) 耶稣给他 们祂的应许“我要叫你们得人如得鱼一样。”,“不要怕!从今以后,你要得人了。”
What has this to do with us? 这与我们有何相干呢?

1) Jesus is still calling the young and those who have much life experience to follow him. 耶稣今天仍然呼召年轻的及满有经历的来跟从祂。

2) Jesus is as committed to us as he was to Peter, Andrew, James and John. He is 
 making us his fishermen and fisherwomen for his kingdom, the Kingdom of heaven. 
He is accomplishing it through the Holy Spirit, through the Holy Scripture and 
 through his faithful servants. 耶稣给我们的承诺与彼得、安德烈、雅各及约翰是一样

3) Happy Chinese New Year! 天天得鱼, 年年有餘!
 新年快乐!May you “catch fish” daily and have a year of abundance!

The beginning of Jesus' ministry when John the Baptist entering his laat part of life :-
When Jesus heard that John had been put in prison, he returned to Galilee.
Matthew 5:12
1) Follow me
2) Know your sins

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