

Friday, February 14, 2020

Happy Valentine 2020

Today is Valentine Day for the year 2020 !
This is our Connect Group Meeting on 14 February 2020 !
The smiles on our faces, the joy of sharing food together, the tender sharing of our hearts. 
So much joy and love in our hearts ! 💜

The company of friends
The gathering of saints
The faithfulness of sisterhood
The strength of brotherhood

The solidarity of faith
The sharing of our lives
The doing of life together
The being of ourselves

The salvation by grace
The justifications by faith
The sanctification of inner men
The process to glorification 

We exist to bless others
We come to receive
We connect to give 
We are the Redeemed of the Lord!

Thank you Shannon for sharing her lovely Valentine John 3:16 Artwork.

The Lord said to me, "You are my valentine. I am always yours."

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