

Monday, May 4, 2020

NECF MCO Prayer Target

Prayer Target - 26 April 2020

Sunday Meditations: Seeking God for such a time as this

Scripture: Daniel 9 and 6. Please read chapter 9 before chapter 6.

A brief background to Daniel 9 and 6:

1. It was after 70 years of Daniel’s captivity in Babylon.

2. There was a change in government as the Babylonian Empire had fallen into the hands of the new superpower, the Medo-Persian Empire.

3. It was at this time that Daniel remembered Jeremiah’s prophecy (Dan.9:2; Jer.25:1-14; Jer.29:10-14).

4. However, Daniel's political rivals plotted his downfall, persuaded King Darius, to pass an edict forbidding anyone from worshiping any god for 30 days (Dan.6:4-9).

5. Undeterred, Daniel continued with his daily prayers and intercessions. He subsequently got thrown into the lions’ den (Daniel 6: 10, 16).

6. But he experienced the supernatural deliverance of God (Dan.6:20-22).

Daniel chapters 6 and 9 show us that in the darkest hours, we can put our faith and trust in the awesome God to deliver us. Like Daniel, let us pray that:

1. We will be a person of the Word who is able to discern the times we are living in light of Scripture: Daniel 9:2; Romans 10:17; and 1 Chronicles 12:32.

2. We will not be easily shaken by what we see, hear or read in the physical realm  (Daniel 6:10).

3. We will turn all our anxieties and fears of the unknown into prayers and supplications, with thanksgiving (Daniel 9:3-7 cp. With Philippians 4:6, 7).

4. We will put our hope in God, trusting Him to deliver us and to open new doors of opportunities as we sincerely repent and earnestly seek His face (Daniel 6:20-22,  28; Daniel 9:3-23).

In this critical season, let us become Daniel 11:32b kind of person. Let us not give up but P.U.S.H (Pray Until Something Happens).

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