

Sunday, January 1, 2017

New Year 2017 Leaders Meeting

New Year 2017
Leaders Meeting by Ps Renny Khoo
1 January 2017
1-4 pm

Statement for Revisioning Discipleship 
A living Relationship births forth Intimacy which leads to Transformation.
Relationship- Connect with God in Word and Prayer, Join a Connect Group
Intimacy - Be Authentic, Broken, Courageous 
Trasnsformation - Maturity. Multify.

Pastoral exhortation for leaders in 2017 :-
1) Grow Leadership Resonance
2) Invite people to join Connect Group

1) Grow Leadership Resonance

Three paradigm Shifts :-

1) Move from Strategy Focus (highly instruction based) to romance of leadership (inspire one another)
Call to Leadership is a call to relationship with each other.

2) Move from blueprint focus to following Christ's footprints 
Help one another to follow the way of Christ.

3) Move from program focus to reproducing ourselves
At the heart of growing Leadership, mentoring is central. 
We choose to "prefer" the good, acceptable and perfect will of God. 
Not a "no choice" syndrome.

2) Belong to Connect Group

Hebrew 10:24-25
Provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together...

Helping one another to journey through life.
A great way to give back to our community.
Receiving and Giving - how Connect Groups work.

Small Groups : Health and Dynamics
Connect Groups 

CGL 2 years ZL 5 years
Each CGL to have 1-2 Interns in consultation with ZLs 
After 2 years, CGL may take 1 Year sabbatical break  

Structure & Philosophy
Two main aims of CG and each member :- Maturity and Multiplication 

Format & Setting of CG Meeting :-

Mentoring sessions :-
Grow personal life - Authenticity in our worship, Brokenness and Courage in our walk.
Grow personal Leadership - FAT (Faithful, Available, Teachable) and stay hungry (Piritual appetite) 
Once a month ZL to meet CGL, Intern to lead CG that night.

Expectations of all CGLs
Regular participation of Church services & Prayer Meetings
Attend mentoring meetings once a month.
Lead and report weekly meetings.
Willing to be equipped and mentored as guided by KKE.

Church Obligations 
To equip, train, mentor all ZLs, CGLs
Ensure availability of resources necessary 
Extend prayer covering

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