

Saturday, February 18, 2017

IDMC 2017 Miri - Plenary 2: Understand the Biblical Strategy

Plenary 2 : Understand the Biblical Strategy 
Thru' Authentic Biblical Discipleship and Intentional Disciplemaking
Pastor Ann Chan
18 February 2017
IDMS 2017 Miri
Miri Meritz Hotel

Someone has wisely said, "The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing".

We tend to major on the minors. When we come to the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20, Christians have often mistaken the minor for the major and have missed the biblical strategy.

Seven Misconceptions of The Great Commission
1. Missing the Main Focus, Not We but Christ.
2. Missing Main Essence, Not "Message to broadcast" but "Life to live". 
    Teaching them ALL THINGS !
3. Missing the Main Agent, Not "Some Missionaries" but "All members"!
4. Missing the Main Product, Not "Make converts" but "Make Disciples".
5. Missing the Main Emphasis, Not the "Manner" but the "Mission".
6. Missing the Main Yardstick, Not "Numbers" but "Obedience".
7. Missing the Main Concern, Not "Disciple" but "Disciple the Nations".
It is not just to make Believers but to make Disciples.

Four Convictions from Matthew 28:18-20
1. The Source of the Great Commission : "All Authority"
We have the Power of Attorney to act on His behalf. From powerless to powerful. We can build or tear down. 2 Peter 1:3

2. The Scope of the Great Commission : "All Nations"
All nations, All races, All tongues. We are often conscious of me, mine and ours only. Indulge of self-love and Selfie.

3. The Strategy of the Great Commission : "All Things"
All things pertaining to God and life. 1 Samuel 7:3
Come close to God. We need to come clean to God.

4. The Season of the Great Commission : "Always"
Emmanuel - God with us. 
Anytime, Anywhere, Everywhere
In season and out of season , share Christ and gospel.

Eight Marks of A Disciplemaking Church

1. Purpose-Driven
2, Responsible Evangelism
3. Intentional Growth Strategies
4. Leadership Commitment
5. Vision-Casting
6. Vision-Concretising
7. Small-Group Infrastruture
8. Spiritual Multiplication

What An Intentional Disciplemaking Church Looks Like
The desire to be directed. The determination to be true. 
Christianity started as Passion in Israel, became a religion in Rome, formulated as an institution in Empire, developed into enterprise in America. 
Tragedy of life is not dying young but growing old and have not lived and nothing to show or pass down. 

Judges 2:1-10 Four generations mentioned :-
Generation 1 :- Moses served God
Generation 2 :- Joshua walked with God
Generation 3 :- Elders Served God
Generation 4 :- Young generation who did not know God
The elders failed to disciple the younger generations.

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