

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Come, Fish with me

1 | P a g e
SERMON OUTLINE: 02 /02/ 2020
TEXT: MARK 1:16-20

Mark 1:16-20 narrates how Jesus calls Peter (Simon), Andrew, James and John to follow Him.
Seven out of twelve of Jesus’ disciples were fishermen, and they know how to fish (literally).
Interestingly, when Jesus called Matthew, a tax collector to follow Him, Matthew was also able
to ‘fish’ for Jesus by inviting his tax collectors friends to a dinner and to meet Jesus. Whenever
Jesus calls us, His heart is a heart for us to fish for people.

The different versions of Mark 1:17 illustrate what Jesus wants to convey to us in this season:
And Jesus said to them, “Follow me and I will make you become fishers of men.” (RSV)
And Jesus said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.” (ESV)
Jesus said to them, “Follow me, and I will turn you into fishers of people!” (NET)
Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!” (NLT)

This verse highlight 3 important things:

I) Its command is pointed – “Come follow Me”
Jesus is not making a suggestion, nor giving good advice, nor is He giving an opinion
when He said
“Follow Me“. To “Follow” means to ‘get under authority, to emulate an
example, to imitate’. It means to look highly up to someone, to esteem highly someone,
and therefore to obey and submit to that authority. In this statement, Jesus is saying
that if you
follow me, then you will obey me and submit to my authority. Then I will
make you, show you, and turn you into fishers of people. This is a command. We may
have excuses not to witness ranging from ‘Not my gift’, ‘I will pray……’, ‘I will donate to
organization/ church that does evangelism….’, ‘I hope and pray one day my friend will
come to know the Lord…’ Just as a fisherman will go and find a spot where there are
fish, active witnessing is also going out to where the people are. Fishing for man is the
heartbeat of God. God pursue man, just as He pursued Adam even when Adam sinned.
God desire is none should perish. R.A. Torrey (American pastor and evangelist)
questioned the right of a person to call oneself a follower of Jesus Christ if he/she is not
a soul winner. There is not such a thing as following Christ unless we make His purpose,
our purpose. He further stated: “If you are
Not Fishing, you are Not Following”.

II) Its call is personal – “Follow Me
Jesus is making a personal call here. In today’s age of social media, we follow groups and
celebrities and we too may have many followers/friends but we probably do not know 
many of them personally. Jesus’ call did not say follow a church or an organization but
ME”. It is a personal call, a call to a relationship. It is through relationships in our
lives that we reach and fish for people and let them see that they too can have a
relationship with Jesus. However, the right order is Fellowship with God comes before
fishing; Worship comes before witness. God wants us to build a relationship with Him
first before we do any fishing. Then go and find the fishing grounds – be it in your social
or chat groups. 
III) Its company is powerful – “I will make you become”
Before the call of the Great Commission, (read Matt 28:18-20) is God’s claim of Who He Is.
When Jesus said “Follow me and I will……”, He is asking us to follow Him 1st, then, He
will change us, convict us, transform us and make us to be fishers of man. Jesus is doing
the fishing with us but we have to GO. Jesus will do the converting, our job is to do the
introduction. Fishing for man is tedious and laborious and requires patience – do not
give up. When we fish, we are snatching family members and friends away from the
flames of eternal judgment. This year our church is doing bi-lingual Alpha. We have to
start casting our nets far and wide. We need to care for souls. Do the invitation and
introduction and leave the result to God.

Follow = Fish
Follow Jesus = Fish for people
Call to Salvation = Call to be a Soul-winner
Called to be saved = Call to serve
Come TO Me = Come AFTER Me

Questions for discussion:
1. “Follow Jesus = Fish for people”
Share your questions, thoughts and experiences on the above

2. Share on how you came to know and to grow in the Lord. Who are some people that have
helped you in your faith journey? How is this inspiring you to do likewise?

3. As a CG, talk about reaching out together this year.

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