

Sunday, February 23, 2020


Topic: R.E.A.C.H
Speaker: Rev.Renny Khoo
Date: 23/02/2020


This is our 3rd year in discipleship journey and this year focus is on reaching out using the
acronym REACH which stands for
Readily Exceedingly Available to Connect to Humanity.

1. Discipleship journey focus a lot on transformation and not just getting information and
knowledge but life lived out. We do things for God not to win favour from Him. Instead,
we want to serve God and man out of appreciation and gratitude for what he did for us. We
have been bless so that we can continue to be a blessing to others especially to be gospel
bearers as shown in the four quadrants of our faith stations from connecting, equipping,
mentoring to releasing.
Jesus engaged with his disciples in a life transformation process and we are also in that
process to transform us to influence others too.

2. Complacent – Consumer – Connected – Committed – Compelled
Jesus call us out of our complacent culture to be gospel bearers to bring the lost back to his
kingdom. We must not just be a consuming Christian or else we will miss out His call to
bless others with all the resources given to us as selfish consumers. In order to mature in
Christ we need to grow in connecting to others as a community since relationship is the
key to grow to maturity. That is why we must belong to a connect group to engage with
one another.
We are saved and justified by faith but need to continue to be sanctified to overcome all
our shortcomings. We are to grow in commitment to serve and give whatever we can in
order to make an impact for God's kingdom just like the little boy offering his 2 fishes and
5 loaves of bread and God used them to feed 5000 people. We are reminded to store up our
treasures in heaven that have eternal values by winning souls for Christ.
We are also to beware that sometimes blessings can be an obstacle to serve God due to the
demands of our commitment to matters that draws us away from God. So it is necessary to
get the correct perspective to be good stewards for the blessings from God.
Rev. Renny shared her experience of how she is bless with a new place of stay and is
reminded that "much is given much is required of you", so she managed to use new place
to host visitors and be a blessing by sharing. However we must not do it out of obligation
but find joy in serving and giving because we are compelled by God's love. We love
because He first love us.
Matthew 28:18-20 Jesus command us to go and make disciples of all man...
When Jesus made a difference in our lives we cannot hold back but share with others. We
are to respond to his call and count it a privilege and not an obligation since we are
compelled by his love to go empowered by his authority. So we are to grow from
complacency to consumer to being connected and committed to allow Christ’s love to
compel us to reach out for the lost for His kingdom.

Questions for discussion:
1. Share a testimony, an experience where you reached out to others or how others have
reached out to you.

2. Complacent – Consumer – Connected – Committed – Compelled
Where are you in the above? Describe what it is like in said stage. What would it take to
move to the next stage?

3. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied
grace (1 Peter 4:10).What are some gifts you like to affirm, for yourself and for others in
the CG? How do you plan to steward these gifts?

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