

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Klang Valley Bible Conference 2021

Heaven, Hope and Holiness – Expositions from 1 Corinthians 15, 2 Corinthians 4 and Colossians 3

Talk 1  The sure foundation of our Christian hope (1 Corinthians)
Talk 2  Christian hope and serving Christ today (2 Corinthians)
Talk 3. Living today with the certain hope of heaven (Colossians)


Hope forms an integral part of our Christian faith. One of the precious promises of the gospel is that through the Lord Jesus Christ we will spend an eternity in the joyful presence of the gracious God who made us and redeemed us. This Christian hope encourages us to persevere in our service of Christ and His people because whatever sufferings we might experience in this life are momentary compared to the hope of heaven. Christian hope also provides a powerful motivation for pursuing Christian holiness – hope gives our earthly lives a meaning beyond the grave! In the context of a world struggling in the grip of a pandemic, it is crucial that Christians immerse themselves in the Scriptures that speak to us so powerfully of our hope of heaven through Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Video Message from Stuart

Stuart Coulton worked as a lawyer prior to ordination as a minister of the Presbyterian Church of Australia. After more than 15 years in pastoral ministry he joined Sydney Missionary and Bible College (SMBC) full time in 2002. He lectured in Church History, Spiritual Formation and Pastoral Theology, and was appointed Principal in 2012 – a role he served until his retirement in 2020. Stuart is the author of Hitting the Holy Road (IVP, 2011) as well as contributing 3 chapters to the recently published 10 dead guys you should know (ed. I. Maddock, Christian Focus, 2021). He and his wife Pauline have three adult children & six grandchildren.

KVBC 2021 Bible Conference Night 1

KVBC 2021 Bible Conference Night 2

KVBC 2021 Bible Conference Night 3

KVBC 2021 Q&A Night 1

KVBC 2021 Q&A Night 2

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