

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Revelation Week 3 - Church of Smyrna


5 Sept 2021 Rev 2:8-11

Episode 3 Smyrna | The 7 Churches of Revelation

The Roman Emperor tortured Christians by putting weights on the victim, one at a time until they were crushed to death. Jesus mentioned 3 wieghts to come upon them : persecuted, afflicted, imprisonment

Poor but rich in God.

Bishop Polycarp was burnt at the stake.  

Revelation 2:8-17

Myrrh produced in Smyrna. Only become fragrant when crushed. 
- perfume
- annointing oil for priests
- for the death - Nicodemus brought 100 lbs to embulk Jesus 

Smyrna exported myrrh to Egpyt.
Jesus had no complaint of Smyrna.
About 6 million Christians were myatrred.
Sign of fish came to be.
Greek letter for fish -

Christians began using the Greek word for "fish" as an anagram/acronym for "Jesus Christ God's Son, Savior."

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