

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Revelation Week 5 - Church of Sardis


19 Sept 2021 Rev 3:1-6 

Episode 5 Sardis | The 7 Churches of Revelation 

Sardis has Large graveyards - city of death - cemetary on a thousand hills

Influenced by Christianity

Midweek Bible Study | Revelation 3:1-13 | Gary Hamrick

Martin Luther wrote 95 thesis against the Catholic Church especially Indulgences and Salvation from works. 

Seven spirits - completeness, one Holy Spirit. Isaiah 11:2
Seven-fold aspects of the Spirit- Lord, wisdom, understanding, counsel. might, knowledge and fear of the Lord.
Seven Stars - angels of the churches. Messengers - Pastors. 
God always take small remnant of people to achieve His purpose.
Activity does not equal vitality.
Psalm 69:28 - David wrote - let them be blotted out from the book of life.
Book of Life - 7 times mentioned in the Book of Revelation.

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