

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Jesus called his first Disciples

Sermon outline 26/01/2020
Speaker : Rev. Jacob Ng
Topic : Jesus called his first Disciples
Text : Mathew 4:12-25, Luke5:1-11

A. "Prerequisites fully met"

Jesus had to fulfil the following prerequisites before he was ready to call his first disciples
to follow him:
1) He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. Mt1:20-21;

2) He knew the scriptures well since childhood that even the scholars were amazed of his
understandings at the temple. Luke2:46-47

3) He was baptised by John the Baptist as his forerunner to fulfil all righteousness.
Mt3:15,13-17. Lk 3:21-22

4) He resisted Satan's temptations in the wilderness by overcoming all of them. Mt4:1,

5) He fulfilled Isaiah's prophesy when he read the scroll written in Isaiah 61:1-2 in Luke

6) He started preaching the good news" Repent, for the kingdom of God is near" Mt4:17

B. It was time for Jesus to call his first disciples to follow him after meeting all the
prerequisites himself.
1) After John the Baptist was arrested and imprisonment. Mt4:12

2) Jesus came purposefully to call Peter, Andrew, James and John to follow Him and He
will make them fishers of men. Mt4:18-22.luke5:1-11

3) Jesus made the call "come follow me" Mt.4:19a. He wanted his disciples to
acknowledge him as Lord and be aware of their sins to repent and not run away from
God causing Peter to fall on his knees to repent.

4) Jesus declared his commitment and promise: "I will make you fishers of men."
Mt4:19b." Don’t be afraid from now on you will catch men".luke5:10

What has this to do with us?

1. Jesus is still calling the young and those who have much life experiences to follow him.
Those who are more elderly should mentor the younger ones and the younger ones should
not delay to answer his call to serve and follow Jesus too.
Dr Jacob shared his journey in answering his call to become a pastor against his parents
wish to be an engineer.

2. Jesus is as committed to us as he was to Peter, Andrew, James and John. He is making us
His fishermen and fisherwomen for his kingdom, the Kingdom of heaven. He is
accomplishing it through the Holy Spirit, through the Holy Scripture and through his
faithful servants.
We should not fear when Jesus calls us but to obey and he will see us through to bless us.
He will make us as his instruments not by power nor by might but by the spirit of the
Lord to save the lost souls. The lord will reward us as we obey and obey his call.

3. Happy Chinese New Year. "May you catch fish" daily and have a year of abundance!
Let’s learn from the rats who multiply themselves rapidly as we multiply the kingdom of
God with overflowing blessings of God to bring the lost back to his kingdom in this new
Chinese New Year

Questions for reflections:
1. Even Jesus had to fulfil prerequisites before he was ready to call his first disciples, make
a reflection on your life and see how is God progressing you in fulfilling those
“prerequisites” as you go through your discipleship journey? What spiritual “milestones”
have you achieve over the years?

2. Jesus made the call “come follow me”, you may have responded to his call some time ago
in your life, looking back now, in what way is Jesus truly the Lord over your life? In what
way is He not? If not, what is hindering you? Share.

3. Whether young or experienced in life, Jesus is calling everyone to follow Him and He
gave the assurance that He will make everyone fisher of men. List down the name of five
person that you wish to “catch” this year. Share the name list with your CG and pray for
them together regularly.

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