

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Warfare
Rev Dr Lee
Kumnam Youth Pastor 
19 Jan 2020

Jesus and disciples went across the lake before He met the man possessed by demons and he was out of his mind. 

Huge storm was not a coincident, not just natural bad weather, the enemy sent the storm to try to stop Jesus from getting to the man.

When you experience hindrances or setback, remember that Jesus is still across the lake, He is coming to save you, He said Peace be upon you.

Christian life is a spiritual life and we should believe in what God telling us : Peace, be still!

Our last destination is God. Our mind is to focus on God's power. We should remember where we are going. 

We should know what we are fighting in this life. We should go through spiritual Warfare and it is non-optional for Christians. 

God uses Spiritual Warfare to shape and build us and to enable us to win the war fares everytime. Victory is ours to claim. 

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