Sunday, April 9, 2017

Christ and His Work of Conversion

John Overview- Christ and His Work of Conversion
John 2-3
Pr Janice Chin
9 April 2017

The Revelation of Christ 

1) Changing of water into wine
This is the first miracle performed by Jesus. The high quality of the wine and the large quantity of wine converted (1080galls) revealed that Jesus is the master of quality and quantity.

John was the only one who recorded Jesus turned water into wine among four gospels 
Christ is the Master of quality. He turned water into choice wine, the finest of the entire wedding.

Jesus was questioned about His authority to turn merchants away from the temple.

2) Jesus clears the  temple. 
Jesus was infuriated with the merchants selling animals for sacrifices at the temple court for gentile worshippers and the money changers who cheated pilgrims from foreign land with unfair currency exchanges.

His righteous anger by overthrowing the merchants revealed that he will never let anyone disrespect or make a mockery of God's house of worship. When questioned about his authority to do this. He said you destroy the temple and I will raise it up in 3 days.

Here Jesus is not alluding to the physical temple but his body which will be crucified and resurrected on the third day. He alluded himself as the indwelling Christ working in us breaking the dividing wall so that both Jews and gentiles can have direct access to God. 

3) Jesus encounters Nicodemus 

Jesus revealed to Nicodemus that unless he is born again from above and in the Spirit he will not enter the kingdom of God. The kingdom is personal not national or ethnic and the requirements are repentance and spiritual rebirth which cannot be earned by deeds. The kingdom will come to the whole world and not just to the Jews (Jn.3:16).

Christ-fullness of Gods time (Gal.4:4-5)

When the time had fully come God sent Jesus to earth to die for our sins and redeem us from the law so that we can receive his rights as sons, daughters and heirs. His Spirit at work in our hearts testifies with our spirit that we are children of God and we call him Abba father.

Christ-fullness of God's truth (Jn 1:14, Jn 3:33-34)

Jesus in essence, is the truth of God. He is the only one who came from heaven and have seen the father. He is the Word that became flesh and dwells among us. His Spirit of conversion is continually changing us into new life, renewal and Christlikeness

How can it be, rabbi? Nicodemus asked Jesus out of his quest for the truth.

Our Response

Every revelation demands a response

When God's goodness and loving kindness appear in Jesus what is our response. Have you chosen fullness of life ,your faith in Jesus and be born again or to remain in darkness and condemnation.

Titus 3:5
God extends his kingdom and love to us not because of righteous things we have done but because of mercy and cleansing through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit. 

We either reject or receive him and that is we either have fullness of life or darkness. 


1) How do you understand "born again"in the life of a Christian convert? What is Christ work of conversion in your own life 

2) Share one example of how your response to Jesus in a particular decision/situation led to a deeper experience of the fullness of life God has for you. How did that impact you? And others?

3) As a church how can we overcome the challenges we face today when communicating Christ and his work of conversion to others?

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