Monday, April 8, 2024

Holy Communion and Washing of Feet


I Corinthians 11:26 - 2 Indisputable Points of the Lord’s Supper :-

1. Jesus’ death

2. ⁠Jesus’ second coming

Foot-Washing - John 13:14-15

Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end.

John 13:2 

Washing one another’s feet means :-

1. Willingness to serve one another
2. ⁠Readiness to help/ complement one another
3. ⁠Patience bearing with one another
4. ⁠Commitment to forgive one another in daily conflicts of life
5. ⁠Desiring to take the initiative to forgive and reconcile
6. ⁠Dedicated to living an unselfish, humble, serving life
7. ⁠Willingness to go down in humility as Christ did, for my brother’s / sister’s salvation

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