Saturday, March 6, 2010

Let's get some Sleep...
Two drunks enter a hotel late at night. They approach the night-clerk, and one of them says:
- "Could you pleash give ush a bed with two rooms?"

- "You mean a room with two beds?" asks the clerk.

- "Whatever, whatever you shay."

So they get a key and somehow manage to stumble upstairs to their room. After fumbling for ten minutes, they even manage to get their door open.

As they stumble inside, the door closes behind them and they are in total darkness. They go forward slowly, and both fall on the bed closest to the door.

"Ahh," says one, "Now we can get some sleep at last."

As they try to rearrange themselves, they suddenly realize that they are not alone in their bed.

- "Hey! There´s somebody in my bed!" says one of them.

- "There´s somebody in my bed too!" says the other.

- "Let´s get rid of them. We paid for this room and we´re going to sleep in the beds!" says the first.

They start a tremendous struggle. They heave and push until eventually one of them throws the other on the floor.

- "ALL RIGHT!!" he shouts, "I´ve thrown mine off the bed."

- "You´re lucky," says the other, "I got thrown off and I´m too tired to fight any more."

- "Well, never mind," says the first, "Why don´t you just come and share my bed. Let´s get some sleep round here."

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