Sunday, January 26, 2020

Jesus called His first Disciples 耶稣召第一批门徒

26 Jan 2020

Topic: Jesus called His first Disciples 耶稣召第一批门徒
Text : Mt太 4:12-25, Lk路 5:1-11)
Rev Jacob Ng 
Perth Anglican Church 

A. “Prerequisites fully met” 完全满足先决条件
For Jesus to have arrived at this point in his life, 耶稣到达祂生命的这一刻
1) He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary (Mt 太1:20-21, 
 Lk 路1:34-35), 祂是圣灵受孕,圣女玛利亚所生

2) He knew the Scripture well since childhood (Lk 路2:46-47), 祂自幼就认识圣经

3) He was baptised by John the Baptist (Mt太 3:15,13-17 & Lk路 3:21-22), 施洗约翰为祂洗礼

4) He resisted Satan's temptations in the wilderness (Mt 4:1,10-11),祂在旷野抵挡魔鬼的试探

5) He fulfilled Isaiah's prophesy (61:1-2): “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news …." (Lk 路4:18-19), and 祂应验了以赛亚的预言:(赛61:1-2)“主耶和华的灵在我身上,因祂用膏膏我,叫我传好消息给谦卑 

6) He started preaching the good news: “Repent, …. .” (Mt 4:17) 祂开始传讲福音: “悔

B. It was time for Jesus to call his first disciples 是时候耶稣召祂第一批门徒

1) After John the Baptist was arrested and imprisoned. (Mt 太4:12) 施洗约翰下了监 

2) Jesus came purposefully to call Peter, Andrew, James and John. (Mt 4:18-22, 
 Lk 5:1-11) 耶稣有意呼召彼得、安德烈、雅各及约翰

3) Jesus made the call: “Come, follow me” (Mt 4:19a).耶稣对他们说:“来,跟从我”

4) Jesus declared his commitment and promise: “I will make you fishers of men.” 
 (Mt太 4:19b), “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will catch men.” (Lk路 5:10) 耶稣给他 们祂的应许“我要叫你们得人如得鱼一样。”,“不要怕!从今以后,你要得人了。”
What has this to do with us? 这与我们有何相干呢?

1) Jesus is still calling the young and those who have much life experience to follow him. 耶稣今天仍然呼召年轻的及满有经历的来跟从祂。

2) Jesus is as committed to us as he was to Peter, Andrew, James and John. He is 
 making us his fishermen and fisherwomen for his kingdom, the Kingdom of heaven. 
He is accomplishing it through the Holy Spirit, through the Holy Scripture and 
 through his faithful servants. 耶稣给我们的承诺与彼得、安德烈、雅各及约翰是一样

3) Happy Chinese New Year! 天天得鱼, 年年有餘!
 新年快乐!May you “catch fish” daily and have a year of abundance!

The beginning of Jesus' ministry when John the Baptist entering his laat part of life :-
When Jesus heard that John had been put in prison, he returned to Galilee.
Matthew 5:12
1) Follow me
2) Know your sins

Prayer for Wuhan during first outbreak of Wuhan Virus (Covid-19)

Urgent Prayer from Wuhan House Church.....
A desperate cry. Please pray

Translation of Prayer letter (Original letter in chinese given at the end)

God full of compassion and mercy, we lay prostrate before you and confess our sin. We have sinned against you, our city, our country, our compatriots, and we ourselves are short of Your glory.

Wuhan and the surrounding cities have now been closed, and the spread of the virus has exceeded our capacity. The city is surrounded by the shadow of death. We, the covenant people who have received great grace, cry out to You oh Lord, asking You to forgive us for our pride, and ignorance. Our neglect has created this global disaster. Today, we repent for our sins. Please purify our hearts.

Save us oh Lord from this great calamity. Forgive our sins and transgressions. Save us from disaster. You are the only one who can save us.

Help us not to hide ourselves, but may we have a strong sense of social responsibility to serve the elderly and the children.

We send special prayers for the protection of those living in poverty in the countryside villages.

We pray for our fellow citizens of the city of Wuhan to prevent the spread of this virus. May they no longer take this situation lightly.

We pray to you Almighty Lord, to send warm weather so that this virus has no hospitable environment in which to live.

We pray that You provide protection over the other cities as well.

Oh Lord, we remember the healthcare workers in particular. Protect them as they serve the sick.

We pray for Your mercy Lord. Our bodies are weak and vulnerable like dust in the wind. May we come to you with a heart of repentance. Help us to preach Your message, remain upright and righteous before you, and lead a clean life with a transformed heart. Only You give peace and hope.

Merciful God, You are slow to anger and abundant in love. Please remove this plague, hear the cry of Your people, and have mercy on the city of Wuhan.

These are the prayers of the churches that the Lord loves, all in the holy name of our Redeemer Jesus Christ. Amen!

Original letter:

Jesus called his first Disciples

Sermon outline 26/01/2020
Speaker : Rev. Jacob Ng
Topic : Jesus called his first Disciples
Text : Mathew 4:12-25, Luke5:1-11

A. "Prerequisites fully met"

Jesus had to fulfil the following prerequisites before he was ready to call his first disciples
to follow him:
1) He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. Mt1:20-21;

2) He knew the scriptures well since childhood that even the scholars were amazed of his
understandings at the temple. Luke2:46-47

3) He was baptised by John the Baptist as his forerunner to fulfil all righteousness.
Mt3:15,13-17. Lk 3:21-22

4) He resisted Satan's temptations in the wilderness by overcoming all of them. Mt4:1,

5) He fulfilled Isaiah's prophesy when he read the scroll written in Isaiah 61:1-2 in Luke

6) He started preaching the good news" Repent, for the kingdom of God is near" Mt4:17

B. It was time for Jesus to call his first disciples to follow him after meeting all the
prerequisites himself.
1) After John the Baptist was arrested and imprisonment. Mt4:12

2) Jesus came purposefully to call Peter, Andrew, James and John to follow Him and He
will make them fishers of men. Mt4:18-22.luke5:1-11

3) Jesus made the call "come follow me" Mt.4:19a. He wanted his disciples to
acknowledge him as Lord and be aware of their sins to repent and not run away from
God causing Peter to fall on his knees to repent.

4) Jesus declared his commitment and promise: "I will make you fishers of men."
Mt4:19b." Don’t be afraid from now on you will catch men".luke5:10

What has this to do with us?

1. Jesus is still calling the young and those who have much life experiences to follow him.
Those who are more elderly should mentor the younger ones and the younger ones should
not delay to answer his call to serve and follow Jesus too.
Dr Jacob shared his journey in answering his call to become a pastor against his parents
wish to be an engineer.

2. Jesus is as committed to us as he was to Peter, Andrew, James and John. He is making us
His fishermen and fisherwomen for his kingdom, the Kingdom of heaven. He is
accomplishing it through the Holy Spirit, through the Holy Scripture and through his
faithful servants.
We should not fear when Jesus calls us but to obey and he will see us through to bless us.
He will make us as his instruments not by power nor by might but by the spirit of the
Lord to save the lost souls. The lord will reward us as we obey and obey his call.

3. Happy Chinese New Year. "May you catch fish" daily and have a year of abundance!
Let’s learn from the rats who multiply themselves rapidly as we multiply the kingdom of
God with overflowing blessings of God to bring the lost back to his kingdom in this new
Chinese New Year

Questions for reflections:
1. Even Jesus had to fulfil prerequisites before he was ready to call his first disciples, make
a reflection on your life and see how is God progressing you in fulfilling those
“prerequisites” as you go through your discipleship journey? What spiritual “milestones”
have you achieve over the years?

2. Jesus made the call “come follow me”, you may have responded to his call some time ago
in your life, looking back now, in what way is Jesus truly the Lord over your life? In what
way is He not? If not, what is hindering you? Share.

3. Whether young or experienced in life, Jesus is calling everyone to follow Him and He
gave the assurance that He will make everyone fisher of men. List down the name of five
person that you wish to “catch” this year. Share the name list with your CG and pray for
them together regularly.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Warfare
Rev Dr Lee
Kumnam Youth Pastor 
19 Jan 2020

Jesus and disciples went across the lake before He met the man possessed by demons and he was out of his mind. 

Huge storm was not a coincident, not just natural bad weather, the enemy sent the storm to try to stop Jesus from getting to the man.

When you experience hindrances or setback, remember that Jesus is still across the lake, He is coming to save you, He said Peace be upon you.

Christian life is a spiritual life and we should believe in what God telling us : Peace, be still!

Our last destination is God. Our mind is to focus on God's power. We should remember where we are going. 

We should know what we are fighting in this life. We should go through spiritual Warfare and it is non-optional for Christians. 

God uses Spiritual Warfare to shape and build us and to enable us to win the war fares everytime. Victory is ours to claim. 

Sunday, January 12, 2020

The Miracle of Five Loaves and Two Fish

12 January 2020
Pr. Lo Yi Ping
Topic : The Miracle of Five Loaves and Two Fish
Text : Mark 6:32-44; John 6:1-13

The miracle of “Five loaves and two fish” takes placed after the 12 disciples had completed
their missionary tour in Galilee, whereby it was also a faith lesson for them, taking nothing
on the journey but trusting and relying fully on God’s provision and power.

1. God will use what you have to perform wonders (Mark 6:38)
When Jesus saw the great crowd coming toward him, he had compassion on them like
sheep without shepherd. When the day gets dark, the disciples suggested to send them
away to get their own food, but Jesus asked Philip, where they can buy bread for these
people to eat? Jesus said this only to test him, for he already had in mind what he was
going to do. (John 6:6) It may be a test of faith to see how much the disciples have grown
in their faith maturity and trust in Jesus’ ability to provide.

Despite negative voices, Jesus asked “How many loaves do you have?” “Go and See”
In life, we often see only the little that we have, sometimes we may not even realize what
we have, until we “go and see” for ourselves.
God will not ask you to give what you do not have, but to use the little that you have to
work wonders for His glory. Other bible references of such are
“What is that in your hand?” “A staff,” he replied. (Ex 4:1-3)
“Your servant has nothing there at all,…except a small jar of olive oil.” (2 Ki 4:1-7)
“I don’t have any bread—only a handful of flour in a jar and a little olive oil in a jug.”
(1 Ki 17:7-16)
Go and see and find out how many “loaves” you have!

2. Offer to Christ and experience His blessings
John 6:8-9 Andrew emphasizes both the “smallness” of the boy and the “smallness” of
the food he has. “a little boy”, “small barley loaves”, “small fish” and sarcastically he
asked “how far will they go among so many?”
Barley is cheaper than wheat, barley loaves and fish are the common diet for the poor
community, therefore, this boy is most likely from the lower social class. There is also a
saying that it is impossible for a small boy to eat five loaves and two fish, so likely he
brought extra bread and fish to sell, just in case someone need some food.
But with the little that he has, the little boy has generously offer all to Jesus. What the
boy gave turned out to be a blessings to the 5,000 men (not counting women and
children), all were blessed with food, ate and satisfied, because the little boy gave.
“However small or insignificant your resources/talents are, offer them to Jesus and He
will multiply them, and many will be blessed because you gave!
The Kyrugma House purchased years ago became a blessings to many, because
everyone brought in the little that they have to the Lord. Today, the church again

exercise faith in KRRP and saw how God multiplied and given us excess for the
renovation project. Because of brothers and sisters giving, KH will be a blessing to many
in days to come.

3. He is the living bread, go to Him and He will satisfy your soul
After Jesus received the five loaves and two fish, he directed the people to sit down in
groups on the green grass, in groups of hundreds and fifties. (Mark 6:39-40)
The green grass give us the picture of the green pasture, “The Lord is my shepherd I shall
not be in want, He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet
water…” God promised that when the true Shepherd come the desert would become rich
pasture where the sheep would be gathered and fed, and here the Messiah feasts with the
followers in the desert. In a way, it is a message to the 5,000 that Jesus is the Shepherd
who provides for all their needs so they will lack nothing.
In groups of hundreds and fifties, served also as a reminder to the Israelites whose
ancestors during their wilderness experience, Moses had them break into camp of 50s and
100s and they were fed with manna. The God who had provided for their ancestor, is the
same God who cares for them and will provide for them.
Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go
hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” (John 6:35)
Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for
mankind, for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things. (Psalm
The poor will eat and be satisfied; those who seek the Lord will praise him—may
your hearts live forever! (Psalm 22:26)
Indeed our God is a generous God, who always gives us more than what we need, not just
a bite, but ate and satisfied. God’s concern is not just to feed us with physical food, but to
satisfy our souls and give us eternal peace with God and with men. He is the good
Shepherd who lays down his life for his sheep. He is the living bread, go to Jesus and He
will satisfy our souls.

Questions for reflections:
1. Name some of the potentials or talents you did not realize you have but was pointed out
to you by others. Did you experience the multiplying of your talents after you put them
to use? Please share.
2. There are several accounts in the Bible about man making offerings/sacrifices to God
first then experience God’s blessings. Can you name some of them? What is your view
on “sacrifice” first before “blessings”? Is it a form of trading? If not, then what can we
understand from this?
3. Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and
whoever believes in me shall never thirst.” (John 6:35) Share how by trusting in Jesus,
you find satisfaction in your life?

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Psalm 23 - Part 1

Psalm 23 Part 1
Dr Fred Toke
Grandis Hotel
2 Jan 2020

This is a powerpoint "note-taking" of the talk.

David as a shepherd has experienced very low level in his life and as the saying goes, the dirtier you are, after shower, you feel freshier. David came out of it refreshed. Do not get locked in by 
and stop being trapped.

Psalm 23 

Accede Control 
Breaks and Rest 
Directed Lifestyles

David : The shepherd who became king.
Jesus : The KING who became SHEPHERD

SHEEP are defenseless, dumb, directionless

Psalm 112:7
They do not fear bad news; they confidently trust the Lord to care for them.

Do not fear, Jesus carries us through to protect us.

Psalm 121:1-2
I life my eyes to the mountains - where does my help come from ?
My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

1 Peter 5:7
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
Peter used a fisherman language. CAST THROW give all your problems away

A change of scene or a change of pace ig good for your mental health.
Change environment and get out for some breathing space.

Mark 6:31 New International Version (NIV)

31 Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”

Psalm 46:10
Be still, and know that I am God.

Some Asians take break with guilt.

Simplify your life
Simplicity (Implicit) 

He leads me... paths of righteousness.

Walk in righteousness

Repent !

Without fear