Acts 2:42-47
Hebrews 10:24-25
Pr Yi Ping
26 Feb 2017
Connect Group Sunday
Topic: Discipleship Series: Are You Connected?
Text: Acts 2:42-47; Hebrews 10:24-25
- Let's change terminology to CONNECT GROUP
1. It is not good for man to be alone
a) Man's nature to be in a relationship: Ge 2:18 (also Ge 1:27)
b) Man falls easily when alone
- RELATIONSHIP because it's harder to stand firm when no one to urge us or journey with us
- Example of Peter who denied Jesus
- Pr YP's own experience: was very active in Canada and wanted to be low-key when back in KK but was spotted and connected with a young adults' fellowship group because a sister was persistent in connecting; Lesson? One can be very involved in church yet still not connected with church
Topic: Discipleship Series: Are You Connected?
Text: Acts 2:42-47; Hebrews 10:24-25
- Let's change terminology to CONNECT GROUP
1. It is not good for man to be alone
a) Man's nature to be in a relationship: Ge 2:18 (also Ge 1:27)
b) Man falls easily when alone
- RELATIONSHIP because it's harder to stand firm when no one to urge us or journey with us
- Example of Peter who denied Jesus
- Pr YP's own experience: was very active in Canada and wanted to be low-key when back in KK but was spotted and connected with a young adults' fellowship group because a sister was persistent in connecting; Lesson? One can be very involved in church yet still not connected with church
2. Disciple-making in the Connect Group
- INTIMACY in faith community together
- Ac 1:12-14 after Jesus' ascension the disciples gathered; and in Ac 2:42 we see they devoted themselves to apostles' teachings and fellowship
- Fellowship here refers to koinonia , i.e. participation, communion, sharing in something in common, which is the Great Commission
- Strengthening of the church whenever we gather; a time for self reflection, and together remember what the Lord has done for us
3. Meet together in order to go out
- TRANSFORMATION in maturity and multiplication
- The disciples made disciples together (Ac 2:43-47);
- Not merely lip service, but they lived live together and participated in God's mission, out of their comfort zone; the Lord added to their number because of their lifestyle; they did not live for themselves
- Meeting together in small groups is not an end in itself, but a means for us to make disciples
Connect Groups are just a mean to an end.
How abt the Connect Groups of KKE?
- Revisioning Discipleship - relook into the Word concerning "discipleship"
- As we come together in CGs, learn to establish RELATIONSHIP with God and people; allow safe space for Authenticity, Brokenness and Courage to take place, producing INTIMACY. Empowered by the Holy Spirit we experience TRANSFORMATION of lives, where people mature and multiply!
- Pr YP talked abt what happened to the 12 disciples - 11 out of 12 disciples remained faithful to the Lord until their death; they were an unexpected group sent forth to reach the world yet Jesus used them to form backbone of the Church; and this Great Commission is given not only to the early disciples but to you and me too!
- May this verse (He 10:24-25) and the bookmark remind us all to be connected and make disciples 🙂
1. Share one of your AHA moments in the Connect Group (CG), something that you struggle/wrestle with alone and unable to find a solution, but found revelation as you share it with CG member(s).
2. How does the Connect Group help you in your growth as a disciple? In what way can you make disciples within your Connect Group?
3. In two years' time, what kind of disciple do you want to see yourself growing into?