Sunday, June 25, 2017

The Hour Has Come - John 12

Title: The Hour Has Come
Text: John 12
Speaker: Pr Lo Yi Ping

In his time, He made all things beautiful in his time. Eccl 3:1 says "There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven" God's timing is perfect. To doubt God's timing can lead to despair or moving ahead without his advice .

1) The hour for the Son of Man to be glorified v.20-23

When some of the Greeks requested to see Jesus he responded that the hour for the son of man to be glorified had come. Here he is stating that the time for his imminent death on the cross and his glorification through his resurrection from the dead is near. 
Jesus has always been in control of the timing of events. He decides when to perform miracles. He waited another two days before raising Lazarus from the dead so that God's name can be further glorified and his power manifested. The religious leaders were not able to seize him because the time has not yet come. 
The group of God fearing Greeks represents the gentile world apart from the Jews. Salvation was first given to the Jews. Since they are not keen it was also extended to the gentiles. With the gospel being accepted by the gentiles it was time for Jesus to be glorified. 

2) The hour "heaven opened" v.24-26

Heavens opened when Jesus laid down his life for the entire human race. Jesus said. Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies it remains only a single seed. But if it dies it produces many more seeds. Jesus had to die to pay the penalty of our sins and through his resurrection power he gave eternal life to all who believed in him. Had he not died he would abide alone and there will be no redemption. 
We like Jesus must die to many things in our lives e.g. pride, selfishness, envy etc otherwise we will remain a single seed without any fruit. 

3) The hour for the world to be judged v.42-50

Jesus had perform many miracles, but most people did not believe in him. Some are afraid of rejection and ridicule and many Jewish leaders are afraid of excommunication from the synagogue. 
Jesus first coming to earth is not to judge people but to show them the way to find salvation. When he comes again one of his main purposes will be to judge people for how they lived on earth. At that time the words that we would not accept or obey now will condemn us and used as judgement against us. 

Conclusion: Repent and Believe

The time is now. As disciples of the 21st century we need to repent, believe and imitate the life of Paul to make Christ known. 


1) Aside from referring to the watch/clock how can you tell time? 

2) With reference to verse 24, how does this verse apply to you as a disciple of Jesus Christ?
Share an experience of "dying to self" thus leading to "bearing much fruits". 

3) How do you view judgement on the last day (v.48)?

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Empowered for Spiritual Parenting

Empowered for Spiritual Parenting
Mt 28:18-20; Jn 14:5-11
18 June 2017 (Father's Day)
Dr Saw Horng Yuan

Jesus imparted kingdom values.
Apostles are leaders of leaders.
Become a spiritual parent, those who do not know God are like spiritual orphans.
John 14

The Lifestyle of Jesus Christ (Jn 14:6)
- Discipleship is the heart of God
- Revisioning Discipleship

2 Tim 2:3 itchy ears to hear 
It is about giving and receiving 
People who do not know God are spiritual orphans.
God loves the fatherless 

Three Roles of Spiritual Parents (Jn 14:5-11): 
Roles of spiritual parents :-
Gives directions to the children.
Gives assurance to the children.
Gives godly instructions to the children.

- Jesus was more than a rabbi to his disciples; he was a spiritual father; his disciples were his spiritual children; Jn 13:33 “little children” (Peter and John were not little);
- Jn 14:18 “…as orphans…” - those without relationship with God as Father are orphans, they need to know the Father’s love;
- All of us are supposed to be spiritual parents, like Christ; not difficult

1. Spiritual Parents Give Direction to Spiritual Children
- Jesus Christ is our direction; all who follow this Way will receive abundant life;
- After Jesus’ arrest, what happened to the disciples? They deserted Jesus and went various directions; but later they were reunited - what (or rather, Who) reunited them? They regrouped as a fellowship, as children of God;
- Spiritual parenting is about pointing ppl to Jesus; we are not the way, but we know Who is; this is our responsibility; aligning our (and others’) lives according to Jesus

2. Spiritual Parents Give Assurance to Spiritual Children
- Jn 14:1, 3ff “…prepare a place…where I am, you may be also…” ; assurance after assurance;
- Assurance is a positive declaration intended to give confidence;
- Jesus gave his spiritual children confidence to journey on even without him being with them physically;
- Can you give assurance to someone? If yes, then you are qualified to be a spiritual parent to somebody!
- When we are inspired and encouraged, we will go further for Jesus; many lack encouragement; the Word of God is our assurance, read it! Other things do not give assurance like the Word of God;
- When spiritual parents give assurance to spiritual children, we will give birth to generations of spiritual children with heritage of faithfulness and confidence;

3. Spiritual parents Give Godly Instructions to Spiritual Children
- Jn 14:15ff, 23 “…keep my commandments…”
- We need to tell people what they need to hear, not what they want to hear; 2 Ti 4:3 “…itching ears…” ; but as spiritual parents, we need to tell people the truth in love;
- This is how we make disciples of all nations; when we do not rise up to be spiritual parents, there will be more and more spiritual orphans; God loves the fatherless; He is calling for us to be spiritual parents;
- We all must learn and teach, receive (impartation/healing/reconciliation) and give (impartation/healing/reconciliation);
- Start with spiritual parenting (discipleship)
- Mt 28:18-20 “…I will be with you…”

1. How is spiritual parenting different from parenting/mentoring/coaching?
2. Who do you think qualifies to be a spiritual parent? How and when can one be a spiritual parent to someone?
3. What is one joy/challenge you have as spiritual parents in giving direction, assurance and godly instructions to spiritual children?

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Raising Lazarus

Title: Raising Lazarus
Text: John 11
Pr Janice Chin

Outline of this chapter (6 scenes):
- vv1-6 Lazarus ill and Jesus' response
- vv7-16 Jesus' dialogue with the disciples
- vv17-27 Arrival at Bethany and encounter with Martha
- vv28-37 Encounter with Mary and "the Jews"
- vv38-44 Jesus' arrival at the tomb and his raising of Lazarus
- vv45-53 The divided response to the miracle and aftermath for Jesus

This is the last and climatic of the seven signs.
The seven signs are:
  1. Changing water into wine at Cana in John 2:1-11 - "the first of the signs"
  2. Healing the royal official's son in Capernaum in John 4:46-54
  3. Healing the paralytic at Bethesda in John 5:1-15
  4. Feeding the 5000 in John 6:5-14
  5. Jesus walking on water in John 6:16-24
  6. Healing the man blind from birth in John 9:1-7
  7. The raising of Lazarus in John 11:1-45
The seven signs are seen by some scholars and theologians as evidence of new creation theology in the Gospel of John, the resurrection of Jesus being the implied eighth sign, indicating a week of creation and then a new creation beginning with the resurrection.
1. DELAYS (vv5-16)
- The agony of waiting, e.g. waiting to get well again when you're sick, waiting in a long line to buy tickets when the movie is about to start, waiting to see the doctor, etc.
- A choice between doubting God's loving kindness or choosing to wait actively
- During the waiting period, we may believe that God doesn't care and doubt His Love for us.

V18 Jesus was only 2 miles away, yet He waited 2 days to come see Lazarus, which does not look like love. In many other examples, we can see that Jesus follows divine necessity. He is not determined by circumstances and needs alone, although He does respond to them. He wanted to arrive not only after Lazarus was dead. He wanted to arrive when resurrection was no longer possible according to Jewish popular belief, which is on the 4th day, when he has been dead for 4 days. Lazarus could not be "deader" on the 4th day! This is a life governed by divine timetable and plan. Jesus' delay was compatible with His love (for Lazarus and the sisters). He had a purpose for the delay. Similarly, in the midst of our own circumstances, we can trust God's timing and intention. We can trust His love for us. The delay that we may be facing can be God having his best for us. God is not bound by time or space. Time or space does not limit what God can do for you and what God wants to do for you and His best for you. For your sake, He will answer your prayers His way His day. Because He loves you, He will not do something based on human terms, but He follows a higher timetable, His plan, His bigger plan, so you can trust He will always be on time. His timing transcends our realm and our reason. And that becomes something of our testimony through our lives. He is God and we are not. Let's pray that as we experience the delays of God in our own lives, we can see the glory of God through them.

2. DIFFICULTIES (vv17-37)
- The elusiveness of hope
- A choice between denouncing our hope/faith in God and choosing to hold fast to the truth
- What we may believe: It's too hard/painful to follow Jesus
- Jesus' conversations with both Martha and Mary show that He is fully divine and in control, and He is fully human and able to comfort.

Much of life is learning to embrace our limits. This is not as apparent when we were younger as when we are older. We are no less human than others and still live in this fallen world which is full of injustice and darkness. Decay and death surround us. This is where we are exhorted to place our eternal hope in God, but that hope sometimes seems so elusive. It's hard to see that which we hope for even in this life. Whatever stage or station of faith in life we are at, we need to hear this over and over again, that "Jesus is the resurrection and the life."

Hebrews 4:14-16

2 Cor. 12:7-10

It is difficult and challenging to serve and follow God. Whatever stage of life is, God calls us to live for His glory. He is magnified when we embrace our limits. He is magnified in your life and the lives of other people, when we embrace our humanness. Difficulties can display the glory of God. Testimonies are really important to point people to Jesus. Our life testimonies of how we go through the work of God in our lives, whether it is in delays or in difficulties, become the stories we share so that people can be pointed to Jesus. Oftentimes we ourselves need to hear more testimonies. God is at work beyond what we can understand for our good. How are God's delays and difficulties for our good?

Unmistakable motif/thread: The glory of God to be revealed through Jesus, and belief (disciples and others) (v4, v15, v40, vv38-45, vv46-53; cf 2:11)
- 1 Peter 3:18
- John 17:24

In delays and difficulties, the ultimate purpose is GOD'S GLORY, OUR GREATEST GOOD.

Do you want to make God's glory your sole ambition, your life purpose?

1 Cor. 15:19-26

Our mistake is thinking that only those who are pastors or full-time ministry have a calling. The truth is that we are all called. What's your calling in life? To make God's glory your life purpose. That's all. All for God's glory.

1. How were Jesus' words and actions (before performing the miracle) challenging for the disciples, the two sisters and even for the Jews?

2. As disciples of Christ, how do we experience and know that life (and death) is best when focused on God's glory? And do you really agree that God's glory is always equal to "our greatest good"?

3. What does this look like for you: to make God's glory your sole ambition, your life purpose?

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Pentecost Sunday : Birthday of the Church

Pentecost Sunday : Birthday of the Church
Acts 2:4-12
Pr Renny Khoo
4 June 2017

Understand the Liturgical Calendar
Time helps us celebrate our special life moments and we could celebrate it again and again.  Time plays an important part of in the spiritual lives of believers as it connects us with God and His story. There is Chrono time and Kairos time. The Greek Kairos time is also known in the Christian context as the right time, a window of opportunity time. When it passes, the situation will be different. The Chrono time is the sequential time where the Liturgical calendar reflect and celebrates the Kairos moments of Jesus’ life, death, resurrection and return. Each season celebrates an important aspect of His life. There are 6 main seasons – Advent- preparing the coming of Christ, Christmas, Epiphany – revelation of God in the human form of the Son of God from birth till His baptism. Lent – preparation for Easter starting with celebrating Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Easter/ Resurrection Sunday. Feast of Pentecost – the sending of the Holy Spirit to the Apostle and followers and the Church coming into existence with the recount of the Holy Spirit descending on the disciples and the speaking in tongues. The reformation day was inserted but do not form part of the Liturgical calendar but is important as part of our heritage in the Lutheran World Federation context where Martin Luther posted his 95 thesis on the church door at Wittenberg which was also the turning point of church history.

Acts 2:1-12

1 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.

5 Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven. 6 When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard them speaking in his own language. 7 Utterly amazed, they asked: "Are not all these men who are speaking Galileans? 8 Then how is it that each of us hears them in his own native language? 9 Parthians, Medes and Elamites; residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, 10 Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya near Cyrene; visitors from Rome 11 (both Jews and converts to Judaism); Cretans and Arabs-we hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!" 12 Amazed and perplexed, they asked one another, "What does this mean?"

13 Some, however, made fun of them and said, "They have had too much wine."


Celebrate the sending of the Holy Spirit to the apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ and this celebration is to be celebrated among fellow believers in a communal manner. Testimonies from the baptism and confirmation candidates confirmed the calling of believers to grow and uphold each other in a perpetual manner.

Pentecost Today

1) Remember God's faithful act in the past
Pentecost is the birthday of the church which entails the celebration of the coming of the Holy Spirit in worship activities. We remember God fulfilling his promise of the Holy Spirit as He commanded them to wait for the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit came and fall on them birthing new lives.

2) Recognize God's act among us today
This new lives of the early disciples continues in us and this is manifested in the Holy Spirit convicting us of any wrong doings and bringing comfort when feeling lost/ depressed.

3) Prepare for God's action through us in the future
We are to continuously declare God's deed and power in various languages as these languages signifies people or culture. Even amidst great persecution as in the times of the disciples some 2000 years ago till today as experience by those in the Coptic churches in Egypt, they are growing and living out their Christian faith. We as the gospel bearers will continue to advance and be followers and carers of the Gospel.

Today’s act of baptism and confirmation on Pentecost Sunday is also a time where we acknowledge the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in our lives, being sealed/ marked by the Holy Spirit through water baptism in a public and community setting so that God’s presence can be fully manifested in all its glory for God is ever ready to bless us in abundance and to overflowing far more than we can imagine.  


1) Read John 14-16. Why did Jesus introduce the Holy Spirit before His death resurrection and return to   heaven?

 2) Who is the Holy Spirit? Why are (some of us?) afraid of Him? What misconceptions do we have?

3) Share an experience or a question about the Holy Spirit.