Title: The Hour Has Come
Text: John 12
Speaker: Pr Lo Yi Ping
In his time, He made all things beautiful in his time. Eccl 3:1 says "There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven" God's timing is perfect. To doubt God's timing can lead to despair or moving ahead without his advice .
1) The hour for the Son of Man to be glorified v.20-23
When some of the Greeks requested to see Jesus he responded that the hour for the son of man to be glorified had come. Here he is stating that the time for his imminent death on the cross and his glorification through his resurrection from the dead is near.
Jesus has always been in control of the timing of events. He decides when to perform miracles. He waited another two days before raising Lazarus from the dead so that God's name can be further glorified and his power manifested. The religious leaders were not able to seize him because the time has not yet come.
The group of God fearing Greeks represents the gentile world apart from the Jews. Salvation was first given to the Jews. Since they are not keen it was also extended to the gentiles. With the gospel being accepted by the gentiles it was time for Jesus to be glorified.
2) The hour "heaven opened" v.24-26
Heavens opened when Jesus laid down his life for the entire human race. Jesus said. Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies it remains only a single seed. But if it dies it produces many more seeds. Jesus had to die to pay the penalty of our sins and through his resurrection power he gave eternal life to all who believed in him. Had he not died he would abide alone and there will be no redemption.
We like Jesus must die to many things in our lives e.g. pride, selfishness, envy etc otherwise we will remain a single seed without any fruit.
3) The hour for the world to be judged v.42-50
Jesus had perform many miracles, but most people did not believe in him. Some are afraid of rejection and ridicule and many Jewish leaders are afraid of excommunication from the synagogue.
Jesus first coming to earth is not to judge people but to show them the way to find salvation. When he comes again one of his main purposes will be to judge people for how they lived on earth. At that time the words that we would not accept or obey now will condemn us and used as judgement against us.
Conclusion: Repent and Believe
The time is now. As disciples of the 21st century we need to repent, believe and imitate the life of Paul to make Christ known.
1) Aside from referring to the watch/clock how can you tell time?
2) With reference to verse 24, how does this verse apply to you as a disciple of Jesus Christ?
Share an experience of "dying to self" thus leading to "bearing much fruits".
3) How do you view judgement on the last day (v.48)?