Led by the Spirit
Acts 11-16
Rev Dr Keith Sorbo
How the Spirit Leads
Vision and Voices
Acts 11:5a, 7
Learn to know how God's voice sounds like.
By obeying to the voice.
God is still speaking to His people today.
Do what is obvious
Acts 11:19,22
God gives us a brain so do the obvious. He expects us to use what He has given us.
Gifts of the Spirit.
Acts 11:27-29
Whayever we do, wherever we go, we must have the gifts of God to be with us.
Have a Meeting
Acts 15:28
Resolve a potential church split through a meeting
Crisis of teachings - potential of church split
"Hit a Wall"
Acts 16:6-9
Paul hit a wall twice. Then God gave hom a vision.