How to remember the Book of Acts :-
1 - Son ascended to heaven
2 - Do - Holy Spirit descend
3 - Knee - Peter healed the lame man
4 - Door - Prison's door slapped on Peter n John
5 - Dived - Annanias & Sapphira died
6 - Sticks - Choosing 6 Deacons
7 - Heaven Stephen's martydom
8 - Gate - the gate of Eunach's carriage
9 - Shine - Saul's conversion
10 - Hands - Hands holding blanket descend - vision to Peter
11 - Leaven - Peter explained why thy need to reach out to non-Jews who eat leaven bread
12 - Shelved -
13, 14 - Paul go a courting - 1st missionary journey -
15 - Meeting - Jerusalem Council - Non Jews no need to follow Old Testament
16,17,18 - Paul go a baking
19,20 - Not so funny
21 = Not much fun - Paul in jail
22 - Two by Two - defence before the crowd before the guardhouse
23 - Lot of flees - defence before Sanhendrin
24 - Hear that roar - defence before Felix (the cat)
25 - Eat him alive - defence before Festus (the lion)
26 - Really stick - defence before Agrippa (grip)
27-28 - Ship of state - ship to Rome