Sunday, June 23, 2019


I choose to be silent
When I feel my world is crowded with a lot of care
When I feel my stress is caving in on me
When I feel I am spiraling inward and downward
When I feel life is so unfair to me

the Silence became
like an old lesson learned

a broken heart intones
a voiceless song
resonating a refrain of Silent echoes
in a voice that never heard a word
yet spoke so clearly ... lingering
in realms of subtle ambiance

soundless remnants
stacked neatly as
building blocks;  
another brick in a wall,
already too tall to see beyond—
growing like a bunker
without a sense of safe harbor

as the Silence became
time and space,
a stillness beset the melancholy air
as if a world without song
foreboding an unpredictable storm
beget vestiges of broken windfall
reticent leftovers hushed after a gale

s i l e n t l y
an acorn fallen  — became a mighty Oak

a wind-broke twig — became a weeping willow

a neglected child — became mother nature's son

the Silence became
        a blind prophet —
in its voice held forth
smatterings of truth
and undertones of a fool’s hope

the Silence became
a strong, abrupt rush of wind
uttering voiceless exhalations of breath;
a hovering dawn mist
    befallen after a summer storm—
surrounding all in all
bedewed in a feigned peace

... the unabated sounds of silence

Jesse Stillwater ... July 20th, 2018

Learning from Ajith Fernando

Category on Leadership - Life of Leader - Minister
Category on Love Sex Marriage Singleness Family Life

Open Letter to J.I.Packer from Ajith Fernando

Ajith wrote an open letter on 18 January 2016 to Dr J.I. Packer.

18th January 2016
From Ajith Fernando, Youth for Christ, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Dear Dr Packer,
A few days ago I read that, owing to problems with your eyes, you have now come to the end of your writing and speaking ministry. I thought I must write this to acknowledge your contribution to my life.
My first encounter with you was when you visited Sri Lanka around 1970. I was a university student and you stayed in my parents’ home. The church in Sri Lanka at that time was in a situation of retreat. Numbers were going down. There were only a very few small, openly evangelical denominations. Christians were suffering from “post-colonial blues” with the accompanying embarrassment of being the religion of those who had ruled us. Liberal theology was the dominant position of most of the church hierarchy. We were made to feel that we had committed intellectual suicide because of our belief in the trustworthiness of scripture including miracles, eternal hell, and the absolute uniqueness of Christ.
During this critical time in our history three western evangelical scholars visited Sri Lanka: John Stott, Carl F. H. Henry, and yourself. We realised that there were brilliant scholars who still believed fully in the Scriptures. We were encouraged in our resolve to remain committed to orthodox theology. Over forty-five years later, I still remember your talk on the inspiration of scripture using a passage from Jeremiah.
I went for theological studies to the USA in February 1972. The “Battle for the Bible” was just beginning to gain momentum. Many Christians were asking whether we could still believe in the inerrancy of scripture. There was some simplistic scholarship defending biblical authority, which I did not like at all. In December 1972 I spent the Christmas holidays in the home of my brother in New Jersey. During this time I read your Fundamentalism and the Word of God. I became convinced that there is an intellectually credible case for believing in the complete trustworthiness of the Bible. The battle has moved on and new challenges have arisen. But that grounding received over forty-five years ago has helped me weather those storms.
In my final year at Asbury Seminary we had a brilliant Anglican Englishman like yourself, Bishop Stephen Neill, come for a few days to our school. I availed myself of every opportunity I could get to be near this great man who had spent a major part of his life in South India. During this visit he gave us a piece of advice that I have followed for over forty years. He told us to get into the habit of taking a good theological book and reading it slowly over a long period of time.
I believe the first book with which I followed that advice was Knowing God. I read it slowly, reading short sections at a time, over a period of about three to four months. What an impact it had on me! Some chapters, like the chapter “Sons of God,” became key aspects of my approach to life and ministry.
This book also helped affirm a conviction that was growing in me, that all of life and ministry is theological and should come from biblical, theological convictions. Several other books that I read buttressed this idea, such as Hot Tub Religion, Finishing the Course with Joy, and Weakness is the Way. The latter two books are among your most recent books. They ministered to me deeply, speaking to my personal needs. I still remember some of the places where I read these three books. The first was seated on a rock at the beach in Colombo, the second was on successive flights and airports during a trip to the USA, and the third was while spending two three-hour stretches in a queue on the road outside the Thailand Embassy in Colombo (to apply for my visa).
My Th.M. thesis at Fuller Seminary sought to respond to the exegetical arguments for the doctrine of Universalism. Universalism was growing in popularity in the church in Sri Lanka at that time, so I wrote this thesis hoping to get it published. I soon realised that no one was interested in publishing a densely argued exegetical work by a Youth for Christ worker in Sri Lanka (an Indian publisher did a small print run many years later). Fifteen years after completing my thesis the British publisher Kingsway published a simplified book I wrote on the doctrine of Hell based on this thesis. Yet they took a big risk in doing so, considering that I was an unknown youth worker who would seem unqualified to write a book on a theological topic. Enter James Packer. You wrote a Foreword to this book that hopefully helped in its acceptance by many. The book was subsequently published by Crossway in the USA and in several other languages. I know that you have written so many other Forewords and endorsements to the books written by younger unknown writers. Having had to do this a bit myself, I know what a time consuming task this is. But encouragers are willing to pay the price of spending the time needed to help other aspiring authors.
You have always remained true to your name by your ability to be a “packer” of complex truths succinctly and understandably. I had the thrilling experience of serving with people like you and Timothy George on the drafting committee of the Amsterdam Conference for Evangelists in 2000. I remember how we would discuss an issue for about fifteen to twenty minutes while you remained silent scribbling on your notebook. Then you would break in, saying something like, “How does this sound?” and you would give in one sentence the gist of what we had been discussing for such a long time. How the church has needed such people who help her come to grips with complex and controversial ideas through concise and understandable expositions of truth.
I am a member of the Methodist Church, and staying on all my life in such a mainline church has not been easy—especially during the times when liberal theology reigned supreme. But encouraged by the example of people like John Stott and you, many of us in Sri Lanka stayed on in our churches. Over the years we saw a change taking place as those who remained helped the evangelical viewpoint to grow in influence until it became a major force within our churches. One result of this has been a new commitment to evangelism resulting in the growth of our denomination through evangelistic efforts among unreached peoples. Forty years ago, we would have never envisaged the possibility of the present climate within our denomination.
Sadly, the renewal you dreamed of did not occur in the North American Anglican church to which you belonged, and you were forced out of the church. I cannot imagine how much pain this must have caused you. But remember that your decision to stay within the Anglican fold helped many of us to stay on in our churches. And we did see the renewal that you longed for.
The church in Asia is experiencing something of a spring time of renewal right now. I believe analysts have not taken sufficient note of the fact that a generation before this renewal there were western scholars who helped lay a foundation which nurtured the agents of the present renewal. This may well be one of the most important contributions that scholars like John Stott, Carl Henry, Leon Morris and you have made to the church universal.
Thank you for your huge investment in the kingdom of God.
Your fellow servant of Jesus Christ,
Ajith Fernando

A Song Over Me

I was told each one of us is created with a song over our life and over us. It is a song written by the creator to be sung through out life's ups and downs. I have been curious about this song over me. I wonder what it is like?

Here are some readings that I have found about this song over each one of us :-

Psalm 42

7Deep calls to deep in the roar of Your waterfalls; all Your breakers and waves have rolled over me. 8The LORD decrees His loving devotion by day; and at night His song is with me— a prayer to the God of my life.

God Put a Song in Your Heart

Article by
Guest Contributor

He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the LORD. (Psalm 40:3)
There is a song in your heart. Did you know that? The song in your heart celebrates what you consider worthy of celebration. You consider worthy of celebration that in which your soul delights. You delight in — with the song of your heart — that in which your soul finds satisfaction.
This does not mean your soul is as satisfied as it could be, or that your soul is satisfied with the things that it should be. In fact, many people celebrate things that aren’t necessarily worthy of celebration. Sadly, billions praise those things that starve their souls and drive them to the brink of eternal death. Some are still singing as they fall off the cliff into outer darkness. That would be us, too, if God had not given us another song to sing — a “new” song.
There is another song that celebrates true soul satisfaction. The “new” song put in the heart by God’s grace is one that celebrates him, not our worth or the quality of our praise. The psalmist sings, “He put a new song in my mouth.”

Put There by God

The song is there. The song has been “put” there by God. God! It has not been “earned” by the feeble works of man. The psalmist doesn’t say, “I learned a new song! I earned a new song! A song of praise by, and for, my efforts, my wisdom, my riches, my greatness!” This “new” song is a celebration in the mouth of the psalmist, but he is not arrogantly praising himself. The next phrase shows that the evidence of God’s grace has been joyfully received and rejoiced in, not earned. He says that this new song is “a song of praise to our God!”
Why? Because the psalmist had said,
I waited patiently for the Lᴏʀᴅ; he inclined to me and heard my cry. He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. (Psalm 40:1–2)

God Is the Goal

This new song celebrates God! It rejoices in God! It sings about God! The psalmist waited patiently for the Lord! The Lord inclined to his cry! The Lord drew him up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, set his feet upon a solid rock, and made his steps secure!
This song celebrates God for who he is and for what he has done. This is the “new song.”
The heart that has been changed by the gospel sings the praise of the Savior. For only in Jesus, we have been redeemed. We have been saved from our sins that have separated us from our God. We have been raised from our spiritual death to walk in the newness of eternal life. We have received and have been sealed by the Holy Spirit, the guarantee of future and final redemption. We have been called out of darkness and into his marvelous light to proclaim his praises. He is our new song.
Our circumstances are not our song. Jesus is.
When we gather for corporate worship, it is to share in this gift of “new heart-song” praise to our God together, both as individuals and as those who can truly call this God “ours.” The heart of the psalmist should also be “our” heart as he proclaims, “Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the Lᴏʀᴅ.”
As we celebrate the salvation of God through Jesus Christ and in the power of his Holy Spirit, our song will show others the soul satisfaction we have experienced. This should be our desire as we come together — with our new heart-song — to praise God publicly and joyfully.
Even through sorrowful waiting and painful trusting, our song of praise — though at times with a lamenting melody — will yet praise him, for our circumstances are not our song. He is our song! And he is worthy of celebration!

Names of God

El Shaddai—Shades of Meaning?

There is considerable debate surrounding the name Shaddai. I believe the various possibilities are shades of meaning that give us greater understanding of who God is and what He does.
Among Christians, the most common interpretation of shaddai today is “mighty,” and El Shaddaiwould translate to “God Almighty.” Coinciding with this, one suggested root meaning for El Shaddai is “The Overpowerer,” meaning God will do what He purposes to do, overpowering all opposition.
Some interpret shaddai as “sufficient,” and God is the “All-sufficient One.” Either interpretation—mighty or sufficient—works for me, because the Almighty is the God who is enough! He is more than sufficient to meet any need. He is power and provision. In great compassion, He sustains, nourishes and protects me. He takes my weakness and gives me strength. He takes my inadequate resources and in His sufficiency uses them for His great and powerful purposes.
Yet another possible meaning of El Shaddai is “The God of the Mountain.” Some Messianic teachers say shaddai comes from the Akkadian word shaddu, meaning “mountain.” God lives in heaven, but He also inhabited a mountain top—Mount Sinai. It was on this mountain Moses met with God and received the Ten Commandments.
It might be argued God’s presence on that mountain reminded the Israelites of His power and provision. The God of the Mountain was the same God who mightily led His people from Egyptand appeared to them as a cloud by day and a fire at night. He is the God who expected obedience to His commands, and swiftly and powerfully took action against those who rebelled and ignored His will. 
Photo credit: Unsplash-Ian-Stauffer

How Is God Mighty?

I want to focus on “shaddai” as “almighty. What does “God is Almighty” look like in practical terms?
The most obvious expression of God’s might is as the Creator. He is the Maker of all things in the universe—including humans. That isn’t open to dispute in scripture. “All things were made by Him, and without him was not any thing made that was made” (John 1:3). All things were created through the Lord’s power and for Him.
Think of the greatest construction workers you know and the beautiful things they build. God is infinitely a better Constructor than that! Hebrews 3:4 says it this way: “the builder of all things is God.”
God’s might is far beyond ours because He is eternal—the everlasting God from before time and into the timeless future. He is the everlasting King of heaven; and as the Sovereign God, He is answerable to no one! 
God does “great and awesome” wonders—miracles! There is nothing too hard Him. He has unlimited power. We cannot even imagine all El Shaddai can do!
Photo credit: Unsplash-alberto-restifo

El Shaddai through the Old Testament

We discover El Shaddai throughout the years of the Patriarchs. Although the surrounding nations had many gods, the Hebrews had one, the Almighty. We see this name for God in Genesis 17:1 when Abraham spoke with God, and also in Genesis 28:3and 35:11.
Jacob asked God Almighty for mercy for his sons concerning their brother Joseph. Later, he described to Joseph how the Almighty appeared to him at Luz.
God told Moses of His encounters with Abraham and Jacob as God Almighty, and He added a new name in Exodus 6:2-3—the LORD. Ezekiel also mentioned God’s might and power.
Photo credit: Unsplash

Contending with the Almighty

The name El Shaddai is found repeatedly in the book of Job, and that is no surprise. Though Job initially contended with the Almighty, God’s displayof power and wisdom caused the Patriarch to shut his mouth before the Lord’s sovereignty and authority.
The Psalmist wrote about those who contend with and plot against the Father and His anointed Son—trying to claim greater wisdom and power than the Lord of heaven. But scripture says God laughs at their silly assertions.
Truly, we can mock and play games with God all we want, but God’s wisdom and power are so far beyond us. We are foolish to contend with the Almighty.
Photo credit: Unsplash-mervyn-chan

Does Our Culture Discount El Shaddai?

In modern culture, the proclamation of God’s power has gone silent in many churches. A God of love is more palpable, more easily received, than the God who is sovereign and powerful—the Mighty God who can turn the hearts of kings and direct nations to do His will.
Habakkuk’s prayer (3:1-16) expressed some of the reasons the prophet trembled over a “report” about the Lord. He recounted the Lord’s mighty character and works, His anger over sin, and His sovereignty over the nations. When God’s prophets spoke His words with power, sometimes people and nations listened and turned to the Lord; but others resisted God. So it is today when God’s people speak up about His power and might.
If pastors preach the whole counsel of God, they will remind God’s people to see Him as He is: the reigning “Lord God Almighty” who will someday exert His great power and reign forever. He is the God who chooses us to make us a holy people and He transforms us with His power. He is to be honored with reverence and awe—holy “fear of the Lord.”
Photo credit: Unsplash-max-larochelle

The Almighty Invites Us to Trust Him

The mighty God, embodied in Jesus Christ, fed thousands from simple provisions. He healed people and cast out demons that tormented them. He worked mighty miracles to assist His people and rescue them. He even raised people from the dead!
What a mighty God we serve—and we need to praise Him. He invites us to call on Him in prayer so He can show us great and mighty things. We can trust Him because He is trustworthy; He is our solid rock and hiding place, our deliverer and protector. We are wise to love and trust Him with all our heart, soul and mind.
The Lord says, “Come to Me,” because He knows His power and provision will lead to the peace of hope and praise
Photo credit: Unsplash-miguel-bruna

The Paradox of Might and Humility

The Psalmist says, “Be exalted, O LORD, in your strength! We will sing and praise your power.” The Psalmist looked forward to the Messiah who would come in power; and Zechariah’s words in Luke 1:68were a song of praise for God’s redemption in Christ.
Yet the wonder of all wonders is that the God who is El Shaddai would humble Himself to bring us salvation in His Son. The redeemed church is to thank and praise the meek and mighty Savior.
The watching church will see the Mighty God of Isaiah 9:6 come again with “power and great glory.” This One who has the name above all names will be honored throughout eternity for the mercy He extended to those who call on His name. In heaven, all of God’s creation will ascribe to Him “glory, majesty, power and authority”—the praise El Shaddai is due “forevermore.”
Photo credit: Unsplash-kyle-johnson
Dawn Wilson and her husband Bob live in Southern California. They have two married sons and three granddaughters. Dawn assists author and radio host Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth with research and works with various departments at Revive Our Hearts. She is the founder and director of Heart Choices Today, publishes Upgrade with Dawn, and writes for Dawn also travels with her husband in ministry with Pacesetter Global Outreach.

This article is part of our Names of God Series featuring the most used names and titles of God found in the Bible. We have compiled these articles to help you study all that God says He is and to help you understand His nature and character. Our hope is that you would focus on these truths and find hope as you rest in the promise of God’s presence, no matter the circumstances.

Transformational Pursue : Renewal of our mind

Transformational Pursue : Renewal of our mind

Ephesians 4:22-24
Rwv Renny Khoo

Justification and Sanctification

Justification - just as if I have not seen

DNA --



Inclination to sin, losing temper, alcohol

1) Think Progress, not perfection
Rom 12:1

2) Think Future, not dwell in the past
Phil 3:13

3) Think Application, not just information
James 1:22

The deepest disciples are not those with answers to theological questions but those who humbly rearrange their lives around the Word of God.

4) Think Training, Not trying
1 Cor 9:24 - Run in such a way that you may win it.)

Habitual trying - just an.excuse to  we may or may not do it.
Do or do not, there is no try. ~ Yoda

5) Think God's Power, not will power
Eph 1:19
2 Peter 1:3

Conclusion Phil 1:6
True transformation means partnering with God by being made new in the attitude of your mind.

Finding Rest In the Midst of Stress

Finding Rest In the Midst of Stress
Topic : Finding Rest in the Midst of Stress 在压力中寻找休息
Text : Psalm 诗篇16
Dr Kenneth Wu
KPJ Kidney Specialist

Psalm 16
Overflowing of God's goodness
A Psalm of Tremendous Trust

Psalms 16:1-11 (KJV)
1 Preserve me, O God: for in thee do I put my trust.
2 O my soul, thou hast said unto the LORD, Thou art my Lord: my goodness extendeth not to thee;
3 But to the saints that are in the earth, and to the excellent, in whom is all my delight.
4 Their sorrows shall be multiplied that hasten after another god: their drink offerings of blood will I not offer, nor take up their names into my lips.
5 The LORD is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup: thou maintainest my lot.
6 The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage.
7 I will bless the LORD, who hath given me counsel: my reins also instruct me in the night seasons.
8 I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.
9 Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope.
10 For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.
11 Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.

Overflowing of God's goodness 神的恩慈满溢

A Psalm of Tremendous Trust 极大信心的诗篇

What are the benefits of trusting God? 信靠神的好处是什么?
Cause and effects
Positive Dynamics
Not automatic

 You are blessed (Psalm诗 2:12) 你是有福的
 Joyfulness (Psalm诗 5:11) 充满喜乐
 Protection (Proverbs 箴 30:5) 神的保护
 Preservation (Psalm诗 16:1) 神的保守

How to trust God? 
  • Petition 请愿 Run to the Father, our Fotress
  • Exaltation 高举神的名 Exalt God, focus on Him and not on our problems. Despite of all these challenges, in the darkness, we choose to believe in God. Declaration of who God Is 
  • Distinction (v3-4) 分别为圣 Distinction - people who love God, love the Body of Christ. Small matters are small matters when dealing with the Body of Christ.
  • Resolution (v4) 决议 God's present VS God's presence
  • Declaration of God’s allocation (v5-6) 神的分配 You don't know someone's portion.
    Don't let material things replace your Master.
    Decisions out of Conviction (v7-8) 出于神指教的决定
  • Affirmation of Contentment (v9) 知足的肯定
  • Affirmation of God's Deliverance (v10) 神拯救的肯定
  • Affirmation of God's Fullness of Joy (v11) 满足的喜乐的肯定 Affirmation of fullness of joy - Pleasure V11.In Your presence is Fullness of joy
    At the right hand are pleasures forevermore.
How to avoid sinning?
Actively pursuing God, no time to do other things.

Only verse 1 mentions his problems, the rest of verses are about declaring God. V10

Testimony of British missionary left for China
At 27 years old
Went with One way ticket, Bible and 2 Pounds 9 Pence

At the Yellow River, 100 children needed to cross with Japanese army behind them. The Chinese army heard their worship songs and came to rescue them.

Book authored by Dr Kenneth Wu