The Time We Have Is Precious
by Ronnie Wilson, Dublin, 1986?
The time we have is precious, we have no time to waste
In looking over shoulders to see who’ll take our place.
We need to have a vision and not a sense of lack;
You’ll never make decisions if you keep on looking back.
The fields are white to harvest, the laborers are few.
And word come to believers, “What now will you do?”
Will you sit in introspection until the coming day?
Or will you rise like young men and will you lead the way?
We can’t boast of tomorrow, we only have today.
The past lies dead behind us, forgotten along the way.
Let faith rise up among us, to see His Kingdom come;
And let us run the race with joy, let’s see his will be done.
God looks for a people, the faithful and the strong,
To speak to situations and cause things to be borne.
Captives of a vision, singers of a song,
Who only live to see His Kingdom come.
Will we be that people, or will he pass us by?
Is there no one among us who’ll even dare to try?
Or will his zeal consume us, and will our lives be run,
Seeing kingdoms overthrown in the Name of God’s dear Son.