For the past few months, few issues are constantly on my mind, need to be resolved, need to be dealt with, so that I can move on. I recognise that I need a Mind Spa very much like how I would go to a Facial Beauty Spa or a Body Spa to give my body a chill and relax.
These are some the issues that I need deeper understanding and application in my personal life to ensure sanity and peace in my life. These issues bug you constantly, almost like an old wound, it affects the feelings and mood, it comes and goes.
- Forgiveness and Reconciliation - how to go about it to restore a relationship. Do they go hand in hand? Are they both sides of a coin?
- Setting boundary to establish healthy relationships - to love sometimes we need to set boundary
- Crucial Conversations - how to engage with others on topic and issues that are high stakes, varying opinions and emotions running high.
- Vulnerability - the first impression I had from God earlier last year and I only listened to a few videos on this. I like to know what vulnerability looks like and what do I have to do in order to
I invested in many books and also going through You Tube Videos to help me learn these lessons in a rapid manner. I hope I am a fast learner and be able to overcome my mental blocks and have my mind spa at the soonest possible time. May God help me.
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