Sunday, January 20, 2019

The Treasure in Our Heart

Topic : The Treasures in Our Heart
Text : Matthew 6:21
Speaker : Chong Mei Lin
Date : 20 January 2019

Matthew 6:19-21

1) The Treasures in Our Heart Our heart is linked to treasures. 
It is the centre of our thoughts, passion, desires and appetites that decides on the type of treasures we store in our lives.

The two types of treasures are earthly and heavenly treasures.

• Earthly Treasures These are wealth and achievements that we have built and accumulated which are considered valuable and precious to us such as money, gold, diamonds, social status, position, reputation etc. They give us security, joy, pleasures and make us feel good.

In Matt.6:19 Jesus reminded us not to amass wealth because they can be depreciated, destroyed and stolen. We also cannot take them when we die and therefore temporal.

• Heavenly Treasures They are the eternal value of all acts of obedience to God accomplished on earth. These include tithing our money and bringing others to Christ. Heavenly treasures are not susceptible to decay, destruction or theft and nothing can change them. They are eternal.

2) Our Heart Condition and Our Choice of Treasures 
The beginning of the year is a good time to ask God to search our hearts and reveal to us whether we are storing earthly or heavenly treasures. We should also take stock of what our heart is passionate about and the focus of our energy and passion.

In Matt.6:21, Jesus said. “Where your treasure is there your heart will be also”. So if our first loyalty is to those things that do not fade, cannot be stolen and never wear out, we have chosen to lay up treasures in heaven which is eternal. If the results reveal otherwise we need to come to God in repentance and make the necessary changes. God honours our genuine desire to make amends.

3) How to Store up Treasures in Heaven 
Jesus teaches us how to store up treasures in heaven in the following passages of scripture. • The story of Mary and Martha teaches us on the need to rearrange our priorities so that our service to God is not degenerated to mere busyness but full devotion to him (Lk.10:38-42).

• The motives of the heart are the main determinant on whether we are storing treasures on earth or heaven. Jesus in Matt.6:1-18 teaches us the correct motives in the area of giving to the needy, prayer and fasting. He warned that doing good deeds just to be admired by others means that we will lose our reward from our heavenly father because we have already received men’s reward. God rewards good deeds done for his glory only. As such it should be done quietly or in secret.

• Jesus also teaches that another unselfish way to store up treasures in heaven is to love your enemies, do good and lend even when there is no promise of return.(Lk.6:35-36)

4) The Promise: Psalm 92:12-15 
God promised us that the prosperity of the righteous is secure, strong and unmoved by the wind of circumstance. They will retain the vigour of youth in old age, flourishing and rejoicing in the courts of the Lord.

1) What is the earthly treasure that is most dear to you? Share how you intend to manage it so that it will be a heavenly treasure.

2) Why is it so important to do good deeds with the right motives? Share your experience on how you have corrected one such incidence.

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